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As I walked into the locker room of the gym, I saw that our practice uniforms and everything was already set up. Practice didn't start for almost an hour, which meant that Maia came in extra early. 

Looking over at the other lockers, I saw that Nika's things were also already here, 'she probably came with Maia' I thought to myself. 

I sat my bag down at my locker, kicking my slides off before heading out the door towards the physical therapy room. On my walk down the hall, I looked into the practice gym and saw someone practicing handles.

As I walked towards the glass windows, I saw Maia and Nika playing one on one. Maia had the ball as she faked Nika, before shooting a three.

What the fuck!

I stood there, watching the two girls, before I heard my name being called. "Paige, let's go" I heard the voice of out physical therapist say. I nodded to her and started making my way towards the room, not before glancing at the two girls again.


"This was fun" Nika said as we both sat down on a bench in the practice gym. "Right" I agreed with the girl, before taking a sip of my water.

It's been about a week since we got back from the Europe tour. Everything has been good, especially after Paige and I had our conversation.

"Practice starts in thirty" Nika said as she looked down at her phone. "Sounds good, I'm gonna go shower" I said as I stood up from the bench.

"Alright" She said standing up as well. We both made our way into the locker, me heading straight to my locker to grab my clothes. "Paige is here" Nika said, which made me look over to the blonde's locker.

"She's early" I said, knowing that Paige was never this early. "That's what I was thinking" Nika said.

"Oh well" I shrugged before going into the shower room.

Turning on the water, setting it to the right temperature, I stripped of my basketball clothes before stepping into the warm water, my body immediately relaxing.

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