Chapter 6: Saved By An Angel

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You were in the playhouse. So far, nothing had happened. But you had your finger gun out in case anything happened, just like Catnap said. You walked around a bit and found some buttons. "I probably need these to power something. It'll probably help me reach DogDay. Ugh, why does everything have to be so hard in this place?" You thought to yourself. You were just staring at one of the buttons, you didn't know what to do. You were starting to doze off. The mini critters took that opportunity to attack. Luckily, the noise of them giggling made you snap out of daydreaming. You started shooting at the pack of critters, and made sure you didn't waste any unnecessary flares. You looked around, and saw a huge toy block next to the button. This gave you an idea. You tried using your blue hand to pull the toy block onto the button to keep it powered, and just as you had hoped, it worked! Now you just needed to do the same thing with the rest of the buttons. "God knows how many buttons are left," you thought.

You activated all the buttons. You made it to the second floor of the playhouse and got into a little room in the center that had a tiny console with a button on it. You pushed the button while you were on a plate connected to the room, and it activated the plate and made it spin and stop at a door. You jumped down and was getting ready to turn the doorknob just as you heard giggling. There were mini critters trying to close you in from the left and right, just as Catnap warned you. You shot them away, but you wasted all of your flares. You had to wait out the agonizing one minute for all five of your flares to reload. While you waited, you moved forward. You walked into the room, and it was a long staircase. You tried going up first, but it led you nowhere. So, you tried going all the way down which led you to another door. You opened it, and it led you to a drained out pool with duck floats laying inside. It looked so depressing to see the pool drained out and dirty with nobody in it.

You kept moving and you found... more doors. "This is getting old," you thought. But these doors led you to a more appealing room. It was a hallway of cells, in which the last cell was holding the very person you came here for, DogDay. You saw him in his current state, and realized Catnap was not exaggerated what he said. His lower half was completely gone, and he was chained to the wall. "You.. how did you get here? Who are you?" DogDay asked, clueless. "No time to explain, I'm getting you out of here! On the count of three, we're both going to use all of our force to break these chains. You ready?" You prepared DogDay. "Ready," he replied. "One, two.. THREE!" And as you said three, you both pulled on the chains, and was just barely able to successfully free him. "This is the first time I've been freed without the mini critters-" you interrupted him. "No time for thanking, we gotta get you out before those things come for you!" You exclaimed. Right as you said that, you and DogDay saw what looked like an army of them, crawling towards both of you. "DOGDAY, WE NEED TO RUN. NOW!" You yelled. DogDay nodded so quickly the nod was barely even visible, and you started to run while DogDay crawled as fast as he could right behind you.

The mini critters were coming from many different directions. Doors were shutting on you, as well. It felt like you needed a miracle for you both to make it out of there alive. You were heading towards three slides. "DOGDAY, SLIDE DOWN. I WILL GO ON THE MIDDLE SLIDE, YOU GO ON THE LEFT ONE," you instructed. DogDay obeyed you and slid on the left while you were sliding on the middle. You both reached the bottom just in time and ran to the left. You saw a pad on the floor to tap with your purple hand in front of a giant gap. You remembered that the purple hand made you jump, and you had to think fast. You quickly picked up DogDay and switched to your purple hand and jumped to the other side of the gap, got into a lift, and the door shut behind you. You both were breathing heavily. "Thank you, angel. Normally, when anybody even tried getting near me, those critters would come and... e-enter.. my body, and digest my organs so they can puppeteer me. But, somehow, you were different. I don't know how I was able to survive for so long, I feel like the only organs I have left are my heart and my lungs. I don't know how I could possibly repay you," DogDay eagerly thanked you. You felt so, so good from this deed that you've done.

"No need to repay me. I've become.. f-friends with Catnap, and I came up with the idea of doing this and he agreed to it," you explained. "CATNAP!? He's the one who did this to me! I tried to rebel against The Prototype, and this was my fate. No way Catnap is going to spare me when he sees me crawl out of those doors," DogDay panicked. "Don't worry, I'll do all the talking," you reassured him. You were excited to see your beloved Catnap again. The lift stopped, and you and DogDay exited the playhouse. Catnap saw you and DogDay leave, and quickly ran over to you guys out of pure excitement. "DogDay!? I knew she would get you out of there! I missed you so much," Catnap celebrated. "Wait. So... you're not going to kill me?" DogDay asked in confusion. "No, I'm not. You're my friend. I regret doing that to you. I didn't want to torture you like that, but I didn't want to upset my lord." Catnap answered, starting to sob. "Please forgive me, I-I'm sorry I had to do that, I didn't want to, I s-swear," Catnap pleaded. "Hey, Catnap. Don't be sad about it. We're all forced to do things we don't want to do way more than once in our lives. I don't want you to be sad, I don't like seeing you when you're sad, love." Luckily, DogDay didn't hear you call Catnap your love. You didn't want him to find out about what was going on between you and Catnap. "Get some rest, tomorrow I have a surprise for you~," Catnap said. The way he said that sentence excited you.

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