Chapter 1 : Beginning

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December 1396, Star Era.

First snow.

A green-skinned train shuttled though mountains and valleys, like a dragon crossing through the vast land.
Snow fluttered and danced outside the window as the remote town in the distance gradually came into view. Inside the carriage, a not-so-sweet sounding female voice announced: “Dear passengers, we have arrived at Huadong County. Passengers who need to get off at this stop, please remember to take along your belongings. Please do not push or shove and kindly disembark one at a time.”

As the speed of the train dropped, the young man in the corner who was immersed in his black and white gaming console finally raised his head.
During the time it took for the train to travel from the previous stop to Huadong County, this young man’s Tetris score had climbed from zero to more than 400,000 points. The extremely fast falling speed of the blocks and his skilful manoeuvres made this well-known casual game seem like it would never end.
Hearing the announcement from the speaker, the young man briefly glanced out the window. When he looked down again, the words ‘GAME OVER’ had already appeared on the game interface.

“Ah!” The passenger next to him who had been secretly watching him play cried out reflexively, “What a pity.”

Despite the game abruptly stopping at this score, the young man didn’t appear the slightest bit disappointed. He just casually turned the console off and stored it inside his backpack.

The passenger next to him couldn’t help but ask, “Young man, what’s your highest score? You might even be able to break a record like this.”
The young man’s appearance was ordinary, but his eyes were bright and very clear, “Similar to just now.”
The passenger felt that it was a pity, “If you didn’t stop just now, it probably would be much more than that!”

The young man wasn’t the talkative type. He stood up and got ready to get off the train, “No time.”

The young man stepped out from his seat and followed the crowd of people over to the door with his backpack.

The passengers in this carriage came from all over the world. With conversations in all kinds of accents, it was quite noisy. He walked past the quietest seats in the carriage on his way out. The people sitting there were uniform wearing intellects who had got on at the previous stop, Huanan County. At this moment, they were gathered together, quietly discussing the papers on the table. A middle-aged man with a round face had his brows tightly knitted. It was clear that he was the leader.
As if sensing the young man’s gaze, the leader raised his head vigilantly, but that young man had already disembarked from the train.

The young man wore a black cotton jacket and was carrying a very ordinary backpack. His tall figure was very conspicuous.
But when he got onto the platform, he smoothly disappeared into the crowd without anyone sensing his presence.

If someone on the train thought of this young man again, they would find that they couldn’t even remember what he looked like.


Year 1456, Star Era.

[1456.5.13 14:36:40]
When the system projected this time coordinate, everyone’s spirits lifted, “He’s back! Prepare to establish contact!”

Three seconds later, the capsule carrying Ji Yushi who wore a black cotton outfit from the 90’s appeared on the transmission platform.
The robotic arm detected the traverser and it immediately greeted him with a bag of nutrient solution. After crossing through time and space, the human body loses a lot of water and various nutrients also urgently need to be supplemented.

Ji Yushi pressed the safety switch, threw away his backpack and took a few sips of the nutrient solution.
The ordinary face that had no memorable features slowly began to disintegrate, revealing his original face which looked a little pale.

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