Chapter 78: Our Reality

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How could one day be enough?
It definitely wasn’t enough.

Ji Yushi calmly returned to his private training room and, after closing the door behind him, the robotic arm proceeded to scan his body.
It then glowed red and very soon brought over a bottle of water as well as a towel.

This was because it had detected increased heartrate as well as perspiration on his body and had assumed by default that the human had just trained and undergone strenuous exercise. It would have never guessed that this reaction was because the human had just received a confession.

Ji Yushi received the bottle of water and downed half of it in one go but Song Qinglan’s words still lingered in his mind.
He clearly didn’t see Song Qinglan’s expression earlier when he said those words but at this moment his mind was able to automatically generate the scene and he could vividly imagine the other’s appearance.

“I don’t want to be your friend, let alone your captain. I want to be able to care about you without anything holding me back, tell you not to be too rash, not to carry everything alone. I want to be with you, hold you, have—-”

Have what?
Ji Yushi’s grip around the bottle tightened and his face once again became hot.
Even if he had ‘bent’, those words were just too straight!

Ji Yushi wanted to calm down. He raised his head and emptied the remaining half of the water in one go before allowing the robotic arm to take the bottle away.
Calming down attempt failed.
That straight man was too reckless.

Ji Yushi took off his black combat uniform and entered the shower.

As he showered, water vapour filled the air.
Whilst he was coated by clean and warm water, the scene from when they jumped off the tracks in the bubble world and fell into the water below surfaced to his mind.

The water muffled his hearing and countless bubbles rose through the water before his eyes.
He was turned around by Song Qinglan and then a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, and he was held tightly in an embrace. The handcuffs pulled at their hands. Although the metal was cold like the water, his chest was warm.
He had clung tightly onto Song Qinglan and was carried out of the water.
With every step, he could distinctly feel the explosive power in the other person’s muscles.

Ji Yushi shook off the water from his hair and pressed both arms up against the wall to support himself. He allowed the water from the shower to run down his forehead, eyelashes and chin.
Even after standing under the water for such a long time, his thoughts were unable to settle down.
He turned off the shower, wrapped himself in a large bath towel and then left the bathroom barefoot.

Another scene appeared.

It was outside the bathroom in the space capsule.
His body still exuding cold air, Song Qinglan leaned lazily against the wall. There was a blade of grass from the rainforest stuck behind his ear and in his hands was a black and white game console. Hearing the sound of him coming out, his pair of deep dark eyes looked over, “The high scores on the leaderboard are all yours?”

As Ji Yushi dried his hair, he returned back to his training room.
It didn’t take long for his hair to dry. He pressed a switch and said, “Resting mode.”

The robotic arm moved aside.
The wall was lit up and a small bed that looked quite comfortable was slowly lowered down.

Ji Yushi climbed onto the bed and laid on his side in a not so relaxed position.

There was a faint sound.

The air-conditioning in the room was adequate. The robotic arm checked his body temperature and then proceeded to pull over a blanket and gently cover him up.

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