7 - whataburger

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While it takes me another two days to apply to the position thanks to my other classes giving me the anxiety rush my body apparently craves, the day after I send the paperwork through I get a call back from the manager of The Midnight Bean. He asked me a few questions, nothing too complicated, and from his tone, I could tell this would be my only sort of interview in case I did get the job.

His name was Oswaldo and had the tone of a chain smoker, but he laughed when I told him my experience with Starbucks and how I was aware real espresso machines worked differently from the ones I had used before and was willing to learn, so I think he sounds nice.

"Okay, Elizabeth, I think I can have a position for you. About ninety percent of our workers are students, so we're really good with scheduling. I'm going to need you to swing by tomorrow if possible for training, your apron, and some other things, but right now we're hurting for people so it's good you asked now and not later in the year when we're full with students looking for jobs." Another low, chest-rumbling laugh, without having met this man before in my life all I could picture him was a dwarf taking drags out of a pipe in a fantasy land somewhere.

"Awesome, I'll be there as soon as possible tomorrow," I reply, shifting my position on the couch with a little celebratory fist pump to the air. This was good, really good, yes the pay was minimal and I'd only be scoring about twenty hours a week, but it was more than I had a couple of days ago and there were tips! So I could have some cash for everyday expenses.

Also, that meant I could get two free coffee every day even on days I wasn't working, so that will save my ass on finals weeks.

"Take your time, I know you spoke with Marco, he'll probably be your trainer your first few days, he works most mornings on the weekdays, but if you ever need help there are two other shifts that you will see throughout your time working with us." A pause, as if someone is talking to him on the other side of the line. "Right, remember to bring your student ID for your first day and have at least about two hours cleared for some online and in-person training."

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this." I try not to sound too excited, someone some time ago told me not to let the people hiring you know how much you needed the job, which I think is kind of bull, but something I can't shake up.

"Sounds good, we'll see you tomorrow then, Elizabeth."

"Have a good day, Oswaldo." I am trying to let go of the conversation as soon as possible but I don't want to seem rude by hanging up first.

"You too, goodbye." He hangs up and I drop my phone on the side of the couch and get up to do a happy dance.

A coffee shop job! It's not an internship in a law firm or a fancy business office, but it's a job that will actually pay me and one I partially already know how to do. Yes, it will mean getting yelled at by angry customers every now and then, but Marco and the girl yesterday seemed pretty chill and it looks like a very cute place to hang around.

And it's. A. Job.

"You seem pretty happy." I pause my jumping around and turn to the hall where William is standing with a shoulder against the wall. The desire to ask how long he's been there is burning in my throat, but I simply shake it off and let myself smile. Not even embarrassment can take this away from me.

"I got a job," I clear my throat after 'job' comes out as a squeak, "I got a job, at a coffee shop—at school. It's not the best paying job, but it's a job I didn't have before."

William raises his brows.

"That's great, Lizzie, congratulations."

Just as suddenly as he appears, I am also reminded why we haven't spoken in two days. How the last time that we really saw each other we had that argument and ever since managed to avoid each other. From me waiting to hear him get out to go run in the morning before getting out of the room and showering as quickly as humanly possible before taking my bowl of cereal to my room, to him walking straight into his room at night, after he showed up from who knows where.

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