They're Dating ?

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Katy *whispering*: You hear that?

Anastasia *whispering*: Yeah, it sounds like Jenna!

Katy: Why is she in Nathan's room?

Anastasia: I don't know.

Katy: Shhh, they're getting closer.

Nathan: Dammit, Jenna! I told you not to get her hired here. Now how are we gonna come out? You're not even allowed to date! And my mom's a nut already with everything that's going on.

Jenna *cries*: I'm sorry. I didn't know she'd actually get hired. I just couldn't stand the thought of not being able to see you this summer. Please don't be mad at me.

Nathan *sighs*: It's okay, come here.

Jenna goes to Nathan and he pulls her in for a hug.

Nathan: It's okay, okay? I'm sorry I yelled. I'll never do it again. I didn't like not seeing you either, but this has to stay between us, okay? Just until summer's over.

Jenna: I need to head out, my mom will be home soon and I should be there when she arrives.

Nathan: Alright, let me walk you to the door.

As Nathan and Jenna leave his room, they bump into Katy and Anastasia near the stairs.

Nathan *startled*: Oh shit...

Katy: Well, well, well! Do you two know each other?

Jenna *anxious*: Kind of...

Anastasia: Seems like it's a bit more than 'kind of'!

Nathan: I'll fill you in later, but Jenna needs to leave now, okay?

Nathan and Jenna proceed downstairs to the entrance, where Nathan gives Jenna a hug and a kiss farewell, murmuring a "see you later" as Katy and Anastasia observe from the staircase above.

Katy: So, what's with you and Jenna?

Anastasia: Yeah, what's up with that?

Nathan: Chill, it's nothing.

Katy: Uh-huh.

Nathan: Fine, fine. Met Jenna 6 months ago at a college bash. Her bro Andrew introduced us. Both smashed, and we've been kickin' it since. Summer hit, her mom's jobless, and bam, she's our maid.

Katy's brain hits a blank at "Andrew" and "college party".

Katy: Hold up, Andrew?

Nathan: Yeah, that's him. Cool guy, but as I was...

Katy: Stop, I can't. Feeling woozy, gotta crash.

Nathan: Hey, you good?

Anastasia: I got this, Nathan. Let's bounce to your room.

Nathan: Cool, I'm off to Julius's. Dude's MIA on my calls and texts.

Katy: Cool.

They peace out to Katy's room and chill on the bed.

Anastasia: You okay?

Katy: Nah, I can't even believe this right now. Nathan knows Andrew, who happens to be Jenna's brother. Like, what the hell?

Anastasia: Take a deep breath, girl. Don't stress, okay? I know it's a lot to handle, but think about the baby, okay? Stay positive.

Katy: You're right. I've made it this far without all this drama, and the truth will come out eventually. I just need to accept it because, at this point, it is what it is.

Anastasia: Absolutely, and trust me, Andrew will face the consequences sooner or later. I promise you that.

Katy: I hear you. Can we just take a nap? This day has drained me completely.

Anastasia: Yes, girl! I'm in desperate need of one too. I'll set an alarm for 3:30. The shower starts at 6, and we'll definitely need a lot of time to get ready.

Katy: True! We women love to look good, and that takes time.

While Katy and Anastasia catch some Z's, Nathan rolls back home. Can't get ahold of Julius, so he drops another voicemail about the baby shower, hoping Julius shows up tonight. Just then, Mr. and Mrs. Williams walk in.

Nathan: Hey, Mom, how was the office?

Mrs. Williams: Hi, honey! Work was awesome, scored a promotion and snagged a new office with way more room and a mini kitchen. How about you?

Nathan: Pretty chill, just a laid-back morning and afternoon. Gonna hit up Katy's baby shower later.

Mr. Williams: Baby shower? Who's...

Nathan: Shut it, I'm not talking you, and if you're gonna say what I think you are, better watch  it, pops.

Mrs. Williams: Nathan, why the aggression? And what's this about a baby shower I'm just hearing about?

Nathan: Look, Mom, I can't deal with him anymore, no more acting. And about the shower, it got whipped up last minute by Anastasia's aunt, just trying to do something sweet for Katy. You're out of the loop 'cause, well, you know... you and Dad haven't exactly been super kind to her, and it's pretty obvious.

Mrs. Williams: We've just been too drained to deal with everything.

Nathan: Guess that's why she's been drained too. Off to swim, catch you later.

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