Chapter Two

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***The silent atmosphere turned into a dark night in the middle of nowhere***

"Just a couple more minutes Arthur, we are almost there." The horse would huff. Claudia would have one hand on the leash, one holding a lantern only carrying enough light for some more steps. As Gen was constantly looking for the path, the sound of crickets grew louder and louder, and she heard a whistle. She got off her horse so she physically felt the path. Then suddenly, a small figure appeared crossing the path. It seemed to be a cat. Though small, Arthur was frightened of this sudden movement that they started neighing and ran away, with Genevieve trying to stop it. "Arthur!" She exclaimed. Arthur went deep into the woods leaving Genevieve all alone. The only thing she had now was a dying lantern and a gravel trail. It was thought her journey was going to be at an end. She took a deep sigh, and continued walking the trail. Once again, another figure appeared in front of her, but this time it wasn't a cat. It was a man with a horse coming out of the woods. "Goodness maam!" The man said.

"Hello, sir! Thank heavens you are here. I was wondering if—"

He would cut her off. "Have you seen a cat anywhere?"

"Yes but-"

"Oh, wonderful! Where?"

"It passed through this path a minute ago sir, but really i-"

"Fantastic!" He'd say it with great zeal. He would whistle a little melody as Genevieve waited her turn to speak. The cat reappeared and left its paw prints on the gravel. The man would get off his horse and pick up the golden cat. It purred as he clutched it between his arms, as if he were an adversary.

"Well, I Thank you ma'am for helping me. I will be on my way." He put the cat in the cage that was on the horse and was getting up on the animal.

"May I have a ride!?" She said strictly. She had places to go.

"Oh well of course madame! Please, hop on. On and you will need to move the cage on your lap."

"Finally," she murmured, "Thank you ever so much." 

"My pleasure ma'am." Gen would grab the cage and look at the cats pleading eyes. its paw would go up against the rods. Shed brush its paws softly, still holding the cage tight in her lap.

"Where to maam?"


"Ah yes! I was just heading there as well," he'd say to his horse, "Off we go now Charlotte" Hed lash the reins 2 times and off they went.  She couldnt wait to have this journey end. Her eyes were half open during the ride as she soon fell asleep, laying her head on the cage.

***As Gen's mind drifted away in the dark night, the area shifted to red bedroom.***

There, was Raymond on his bed. He silently layed down, with a book in his hands. It was titled "Courtship and Etiquette 101"  His father gave it to him, like he expected him to change in on day. Every ten seconds he would think to himself why he listened to him, but short seconds after he would tell him self its for the better. He would murmur to himself the words.

"Offer a rose to the lady every once and a while??" The more he read the book the more outrageous it became. He bookmarked page 46 and shut it closed. He put the book on the side drawers and tucked himself in with his velvet sheets. 

The door creaked open, casting the light onto Raymond's Bed.  


Raymond would lift his body up.

"Can I help you?" He said, staring at the servant.

"Your father wanted me to give you this." The servant would enter the room, holding a small red box with a bow on top. She'd hand it to him and quickly pace out of the room. Raymond would pull on the ribbon, undoing the bow and took the top off. There, was a pocket knife. He would furrow his brows, and take out the object, He'd examine the knife, wondering why his father would give this to him. He peeked back inside the box and noticed a paper. Placing the knife down, he'd unfold the paper. It read,

"When you are second guessing yourself with the chosen woman, carry the knife. What you mentioned earlier reminded me that  your safety comes first."

That was probably the nicest thing his father said. 2 years ago, was when a woman married the king and attempted to kill him soon after. After that, his father was extra secure about his life. But, it wore off after a while. Not only did it affect the king, but affected Raymond. Trusting people became an issue within his family. 

Raymond would sigh and put the knife and note back into the box, closed it up, and set it aside. Raymond would yet again, tuck himself into bed and went to sleep.

**Time passed by and the old night turned into a new day.**

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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