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 Chapter 37 Meeting

  While talking, a large group of zombies attacked near them.

  Without any time to say anything, Edmund immediately led people into the company building.

  There were a few zombies wandering in the lobby, and they were quickly dispatched by this group of people.

  But a new problem hit, and they needed to find the company's R&D laboratory.

  According to the floor plan, this requires going upstairs to the 28th floor. They cannot take the elevator and can only rely on the stairs to go up.

  Although this method seems stupid, it is currently the only feasible method.

  After they find the people and information, they can continue to the rooftop and call the headquarters' helicopter to come to the rescue.

  This is Edmund's method of fighting.

  After obtaining the unanimous consent of the team members, Su You did not intend to act with them.

  As the old saying goes, it is hard to guard against the human heart.

  Since someone in the team has doubts about her, it means that her back is handed over to someone who is difficult to trust. In the face of zombies, it is easy to be betrayed.

  Su You was used to this kind of thing in his previous life.

  Since they planned to find Li Sen and the information, they would go look for it first. She only wanted to see if Li Sen was alive when she got interested.

  Besides, some useful things couldn't be used in front of them, so she planned to separate for now.

  Although Hal was very frustrated, it was Su You who saved him after all, but he could not stop his teammates from acquiescing, and could only express his apology to Su You.

  Su You kindly left the communication equipment to him.

  But of course it's not free.

  After meeting Hal, she gained connections in the army.

  She always felt that maybe some high-level officials in the country knew the reason why the natural disaster started.

  Hal could tell her if he got relevant information.

  After they left, Su You followed them upstairs. He couldn't come here in vain.

  After using the space overlapping function, she discovered that the second and third floors of the company were connected to a large dedicated warehouse with many tall shelves holding many items.

  Most of the goods here are experimental and office supplies, and there is no food. The areas are clearly marked, and the items on the various containers are marked.

  Moreover, there are only three or four warehouse managers in the warehouse and no other living people.

  After Su You confirmed it, he easily eliminated these zombies with a silenced pistol.

  She first entered a laboratory-specific freezer storage warehouse.

  Find some useful equipment inside that you might be able to use later.

  The new batch of experimental equipment, related accessories, cleaning fluids for related instruments, special high-sugar culture media used for cell culture, equipment and reagents for virus and bacterial culture, etc. in the warehouse are all new, unopened and neat. They were all placed in transparent or white freezers and refrigerators, and she collected them all.

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