Chapter 32 - Key of Corruption (1)

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After yesterday's date with Bronya, Despite a seemingly restful night's sleep, I found myself feeling unusually tired as I made my way to St. Freya Academy the next day.

"I could have sworn I slept like a log... Why am I still feeling exhausted?"

Did something happen after the date with Bronya yesterday?

As I entered the academy gates, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances and hushed whispers that followed me.

It appears that my popularity is still here.

I quickly made my way to the classroom, eager to settle in and perhaps catch a few moments of rest before the day's lessons began.

As I entered, Kiana's voice greeted me, "Ah, here comes the protagonist!"

"Morning, Kiana."

My gaze then shifted to Bronya, who was seated quietly with her usual stoic expression. "Morning, Bronya," I greeted her with a nod.

"Morning, Shin," she replied, her tone neutral as always.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifted as Kiana's words echoed through the space. "Eh?! What happened?! I thought you two went on a date!"

Bronya and I exchanged a brief glance before the two of us responded in sync, "We did."

"O-Oh... Y-You two don't have to sync," Kiana stammered, feeling a bit awkward under the sudden attention.

"So? Bronya-onee-chan! How was it!?" Wendy's excitement was palpable, and even Kiana couldn't contain her curiosity.

Bronya remained silent, her expression unreadable as always.

"Bronya?" Kiana prompted, leaning in with interest.

"It's a secret," Bronya finally replied, her gaze fixed on the floor.

Just then, Kiana and Wendy slowly turned their expectant gazes towards me, their curiosity practically tangible in the air.

Feeling the weight of their anticipation, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find the right words. "Uh... Well, you see... It was... um..."

"Come on, spill it, Shin!" Kiana nudged me eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement.

Wendy leaned in closer, her expression filled with anticipation. "We won't judge! Just tell us everything!"

I scratched the back of my head nervously, trying to find a way to summarize the date without giving away too much. "Um... It was... nice. We had a good time."

Kiana's eyes widened. "Just 'nice'? That's all?"

I chuckled nervously. "Well, yeah... It was enjoyable, you know..."

Wendy's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Hehe! I'm slightly jealous of Bronya-onee-chan now!"

"No, really, Shin! You've got to tell us more!" Kiana insisted, her curiosity piqued.

just then, Himeko strode into the classroom, her authoritative presence immediately commanding attention.

"Everyone, take your seats!" she declared, her voice firm and no-nonsense. She then caught sight of Kiana and Wendy, who were still lingering near the front of the room.

"Kiana, Wendy, back to your seats," Himeko instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I have an announcement to make."

Kiana and Wendy exchanged a quick glance, their mischievous expressions hinting at some shared secret.

With a playful pout, Kiana complied, making her way back to her seat while shooting me a meaningful look. She mouthed something silently, "I will be asking more later."

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