Chapter Twenty-Four

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        "Gimme your phone kid," Hank's voice filtered through his mind. Without thinking he handed it over and went back to people watching. His mind wandered and his hand throbbed. He clenched and unclenched his hand, reveling in the stinging pain. That moment her eyes had snapped open, flashed through his mind. Cody replayed that moment over and over in his mind. Held onto it like a talisman.

        He'd gotten her back, by God he wasn't losing her again.

        Minutes or hours he wasn't sure passed when he felt a gentle touch on his arm. He turned and stared down at his Ma's face, etched in concern.

        "My boy," she cooed softly and pulled him into her arms. He went, just as he always did, knowing that there was comfort to be found with his mother. "Tell me."

        When he moved back from his mother's embrace his Gran took his hand and led him toward a set of chairs. "Tell us everythin' you," She demanded softly. Her loving face filled with worry.

        "I found where she had been but I was too late. Carol had moved her." Cody shuddered and looked down at the blood spattered hanky around his hand. "By the time we found her it was over. She was de...she wasn't..." His voice stopped working. The muscles of his throat ached with the words he knew he needed to say, but just couldn't form. His vision blurred to the point he couldn't see the droplets of blood staining his skin.

        "Merciful Virgin," his Gran gasped, squeezing his hand and began to pray quietly. Her other hand touched her rosary lightly as she whispered the words.

        "How bad?" Marissa questioned. Her eyes were holding his hostage as if trying to understand the battle ahead. Knowing his mother she'd battle with the Grim to save Emma and God help the Collector because nothing stopped his Ma when she set her mind to something.

        "It was bad, real bad and I just—" Cody took a deep shuddering breath, before trying again. "I don't know what–" He clenched his hand, using the pain to clear his mind a tiny bit.

        "Your boy saved her life when the EMTs were calling her a loss."

        His Ma and Gran both looked at Hank waiting for him to continue.

        "But Cody, he just outright refused to allow her to remain dead." He shook his head in near disbelief. "It's like he reached into the great beyond and tore her right outta the angel's arms. Damndest thing I ever saw." Hank said from the corner where he sat nursing a paper cup of coffee. "That boy's a hero," he said, staring into his paper cup.

        Drew nodded and looked at Cody. "Proud of you son," he said quietly.

        "Oh, Cody, my poor baby! That must have been so awful!" Marissa sniffled and hugged him again while his Gran looked at Hank closely.

        "Who you be?"

        "I'm Hank McDaniels, ma'am," Hank nodded his head in greeting, "I'm Cody's partner."

        Gran tilted her head and studied him for a moment before nodding as if making up her mind about something. "Good to know you," she muttered and turned to look at Cody again. "What the doctors sayin' about the girl? She gon' be okay, her?"

        "I don't know yet," he shrugged and leaned forward pressing his thumb into the busted knuckles using the pain to keep himself grounded. "We have to wait."

        "Hmmm." Drew rose to his feet and touched his wife's cheek with a loving smile. "Be back, love."

        She smiled up at him as he walked away and clicked her tongue at the blood staining the fabric around Cody's hand. "Son, what'd you do to your hand?"

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