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I'm looking at the tiny plane window, around it and through it, thinking about how all these windows were fitted. They all seem to just be there as if they've always been there.

The South African flag embroidered on the wing keeps on catching my eye, compelling me to look at it. It doesn't matter how much I try to avoid. It just beautifully and proudly begs for my attention.


That's the word that pops into my head each time I look at the flag. The only problem is that the word contradicts the purpose of the trip or should I say relocation.

"A fresh start is what we need." My mother had said.

Only it's a lie. A lie she truly believes in. I would've confronted her for I know the truth but my mother's denial is worse than that of a convicted criminal who's still pleading their innocence.

The truth is that we're fleeing, well she's fleeing persecution. There's been whispers ever since my fake dad left after that big fight. I use the word 'fake' carefully because it was six years ago that me and my fake dad found out about my paternity. Ever since then our relationships have been strained and more than once my mother has faulted me because I got sick and destroyed her house of cards.

You can say that we're not really the best of friends but I was also tired of being the talk of the town on a daily basis and getting into trouble for beating up the children of gossipmongers. I don't like running away from problems, I face them head on. I may be battered and bruised. A dying horse left with one last kick, but atleast I'll die with honour instead of what I'm doing right now.

Running away from difficult situations is more of my parents' style. They are definitely a match made in heaven even though they live separate lives.

My dad has been trying to reach out to me now that he had money. He's been constantly showing up at our doorstep with expensive gifts trying to buy me, actually it's his lapdog that shows up because he's either too busy or going somewhere on business. I wouldn't say it's an effort at all but my mother and his lapdog are his number 1 and 2 cheerleaders respectfully.

My fake dad left because of my real dad. I could wonder how he located us but then I guess it's very obvious. My mom has been holding onto hope all these years, waiting for him to come back and my fake dad was just a placeholder. A seat warmer for the guest of honour.

I wish I could say I feel sorry for him, but I don't. He made the past six years a living hell for me whilst my mother turned a blind eye. Even though I preferred my fake father and adored my mother, now I hate them both, passionately.

I honestly don't understand how everything is my fault when I didn't even have a choice in my own conception...

...or Michael dying.

"What are you thinking about?"

An answer to my mother's question doesn't even require much effort.

"Trust me. You don't wanna know."

"Of course I do." Her cheerful behaviour makes me want to throw up.

"Come on, this might be good for us, we may even go back to how we used to be." She continues.

I actually manage to chuckle because I can't believe how ridiculously funny she is.

"Really mom?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah maybe we can. We'll just find another fake dad and we'll live happily ever after."

Her facade falls apart.

"Michaela you know how I feel about that."

It's not that I like seeing her sad but I prefer her when she's realistic.

"Oh really? But you're the one who brought it up when I told you very clearly that you should let the lying dogs lie."

"Now you're insulting me." Her teeth are gritted like a dog preparing to fight.

"Look at you now, you look like a dog preparing to fight. Do you really want us to fight in here, with all these people, listening to our business? Do you want to be an internet sensation mother?"

"Now you're calling me a bitch?" She purses her lips and nods. She keeps blinking back her tears.

"Forgive me dearest mother. I forgot to say; No pun intended." I give her the biggest grin with the intent of mocking her.

"Your real dad is in Cape town." She informs me.

"Good for him. Is that why you chose it when there were so many options?"

"No," she simply says as if she had been expecting the question.

"Sure." I snort. "I hope you haven't invested everything in this scheme of yours because it definitely won't work. Do we still own our house?"

"Yes. I've rented it out. You'll get 20% as an allowance."

The flight attendant begins talking before I can come up with a comeback. She shouts out instructions and information. As soon as she's done, the pilots voice is heard through the speakers as he announces that he's ready for takeoff.

I take out my phone and begin to film the flag as the plane ascends. I post the clip on my Instagram story and caption it ; Cape town here I come. I search for Kurt Darren's song "Kaap tyd", with lyrics I don't understand. When I'm satisfied with how my story looks and sounds, I click "send".

Sindi likes it immediately and sends a bunch of hearts. I met Sindi online a few years ago. She was sort of a pen-pal. We've never really met each other physically. It has just been phone calls, text messages and video calls. If there's one thing I'm looking forward to, it's meeting her. The cherry on top is that we're going to be attending the same school.


Hey everyone I hope I didn't make you wait too long for this first chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please do tell me how you feel about it along with the poem.

Expect updates on a daily basis or after every ten reads. Happy reading 🖤 and please don't forget to vote🖤

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