CHAPTER 15: Gone

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The members of X-Hunter rushed to stop Charlie.

But they can't.

No one can.

Panic and worried cries enveloped the arena.

Voices of people and noises of sirens echoed throughout.

But they were inaudible to Charlie.

Even he can't hear himself. 

Yet, the fire cracking, metals breaking, and Babe's silence were too loud to Charlie that it's deafening.

"Babe!" Charlie calls desperately for his soulmate. Despite the burning flames, he managed to force open the car's door and not feel pain.

But he feels his sanity fading.

Or is it ever there in the first place.

Then, he saw Babe and he saw blood.

But before he could do anything more insane, he was harshly pulled out from the fire. Alan and the team gripped him in place and tried to calm him down.

However, their words were not passing through Charlie.

The moment he saw Babe's body being carried out the car, his eyes swelled up with tears and they streamed down almost immediately.

Each member of the team was stunned.

Charlie never cries.

He's never been the type to show such deep emotions even if the occasion call for it. Not even when he won his first race, not when he, himself was hurt badly– he never onced cried.

Yet here he was.

Charlie cries nonstop. He kept calling Babe as he held the alpha's bloody hands. He kisses them and rested his forehead on his hands.

And Charlie never prays.

He never even prays for his safety.

Yet he prayed for Babe.

As they reached the hospital, while Babe lays down the stretcher, Charlie cries in silence even more.

"Babe... Baby... Please... Wake up! I'll do anything you want– I'll join the international team– Just– Wake up! Stay with me... Baby–

"Charlie," Alan stops Charlie from entering the ER. And the younger one collapsed into floor.

All these breaks the older to shreds but he couldn't afford to cry at this time. Not when Charlie needs a shoulder to lean on. He needs to be rational despite the pain. He needs to be strong for the team.

"Charlie... Get up, calm down..." Alan begged the enigma. If this goes on he thinks, he'll also submit to his emotions.

"Babe..." Charlie cries as he was dragged from the floor to the chair.

Alan draws circles to Charlie's back. And he tries to find ways to make Charlie calm down. He thought for a while then he remembered something.

"Babe's car had no issue the last time we checked it," he trails off. "Jeff and I personally checked it ourselves, and his car was fine."

With this said, it successfully piqued Charlie's attention. He wipes his eyes. "I know for sure, Babe can handle the wheel just fine... Then how the fuck did this happen!?" Charlie gritted his teeth as he ask this.

Alan flinched a bit by Charlie's harsh tone. "Someone must have trampled with his car..." He theorized.

"We think someone did as well," Sonic's voice chimed in. He sniffles and wiped his eyes. "We thought something must have gone wrong with Babe's car that we didn't know so we checked the CCTV footage, and we found that there's a missing part between 2:16 AM and 2:31 AM... Phi Way is trying to retrieve the footage as we speak... But whoever did this, he knew his way around the base..."

Both Charlie and Alan became alarmed. Someone's at fault here and it might be someone close. Or worse, someone among them.

But why Babe?

While they're talking, North was busy with his phone. He sniffles while his brows are creased.

"Uhm... Guys..." North calls for them with hesitation.

"What is it?" Sonic turns to him. North showed him his phone and Sonic quickly stole it from his hands and cursed, he's flabbergasted.

Curious, Charlie and Alan also looks at the screen and their face were painted with utter confusion.

On North's phone, it shows a news article about Babe's accident and following it was yet another news confirming an "obsessed fan" of Charlie was behind all of it and was now captured. There's even a screencap of the deleted CCTV footage and a video of the culprit admitting it.

In truth, there are multiple death threats surrounding Babe after Charlie's stunt at Babe's first race. Many fans were devastated that they were threatening Babe. All of it however, didn't reach Babe since Charlie tried his best to hide it from him. Even Charlie payed so as not to release any article about that scandal and protect Babe.

Charlie loves his fans and he knew some have become obsessive. But he didn't expect that their obsession and "love" for him would even get to the point that they would actually hurt someone he loves.

However sensible this might be, Charlie still is in doubt despite the evidence and proofs in front of him.

Something just doesn't add up.

Everything was happening so fast.

Everything was solved immediately.

It's as if it was staged.

It's as if it's just a decoy.

A distraction to what's really happening.

Suddenly, the door of the ER flew open and a doctor appeared seemingly shaken and frightened.

"I'm sorry but the patient is gone."

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger and short chapter 😣

I'm sorryyyy but I'll update again soon!

Enjoy reading!

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