Chapter - 37

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Myra stared at her husband blankly. She could not believe words hit her eardrums.

"Are you sure?" Meera grinned inwardly but masked her inner bliss with tormented expressions on her face.

Myra turned to her sister blankly when her voice rang in her ears.

"Yes." Neil replied with a quick nod. His eyes were continuously shifting between both sisters.

But hearing his casual, impromptu reply, Myra turned to him fully gaping like a fish. He could not meet his eyes with Myra's eyes baffled once.

Meera gave a brief glance at her sister who had turned the statue before moving back towards her room. Insecurity inside her heart multiplied. From last month she was successful in suppressing her inner anxiousness observing her husband's pull, his honesty in their relationship, but today for the first time, his abrupt request left her in a state.

"I am in study." He spoke carefully to escape making his way towards his study room.

Neil was totally aware about the mental trauma she would be facing because of his actions, but at this moment he also needed to buy some time to gain equilibrium between his mental and psychological state. His mind shouted, 'You have to do this,' shushing his crumbled heart.

Myra turned to see Neil's back. He was taking small defeated steps engrossed in his own thoughts. He was going away from her. She was totally buried in her perplexed state. Her mind and heart could not decipher the sudden change of her surroundings. Her legs started wobbling. It was hard for her to maintain her composure, she slumped down on a nearby couch when her body gave up.

Neil entered inside. His eyes were radiating his distraught emotions holding a plethora of feelings as guilt, anxiousness, fearfulness, anger, hatred.

Tearful, sceptical gaze of Myra had churned his entire existence. After a long time her eyes have flickered with distrust of him. He cursed himself for being the reason behind her pain. He had always wished to fill her life with peace and happiness but his latest actions were contradicting his own wish.

He settled down on his chair behind the office desk tiredly looking far.

His phone started ringing, breaking his trance. He ended up being the listener for a few minutes on the call.

"I don't care. You have just a week, if you cannot then consider yourself as fired." He threatened before cutting the call not waiting for an answer from the other side. He rubbed his throbbing forehead due to last night's episode.

He busied himself in his office work opening up his Mac hiding himself behind the study room's closed door. Still one part of his heart was craving to see his nightingale, it was whispering to him to break all the odds and engulfed her in his secured embrace, but again his mind overpowered.

It was late afternoon when he heard a knock on the door. He gave permission and raised his eyes to look after the visitor, it was his wife, Myra with a plate filled with food.

"Myra, you know. You don't need to ask for my permission." He replied without a thought. Earlier he had thought it must be some servant asking his permission to enter.

"It's 2 pm, and you did not come out for lunch. I thought you must be busy so I brought your lunch here." Even though Myra was upset with him, she could not endure him staying empty stomach for a long time.

She kept his plate of food and glass filled with water on the coffee table, and turned to leave without uttering anything, this was so unusual to her. Earlier, whenever she came with his food or coffee, she spent some time with him chatting about routine, casual things but today was different. Simple change in their routine made Neil restless.

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