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I look up from my hands, where I've been absently scratching off my grey nail polish.

"Go Myles!" Dad shouts from beside me on the bleachers.

A few other parents shout in support as my brother gets up to bat. If he gets out, the teams will switch so that it's the opponents batting while my brother's team takes defense.

The pitcher throws the baseball at my brother at speeds my mind has trouble comprehending.

Lucas hits it, but it goes outside of the lines.


He always seems to be hitting those.

Which is why it doesn't surprise me when he hits another one on the next throw.

He's not bad at batting per se, he's just a much better pitcher. Though, the coaches haven't let him pitch that much this season. That's typically Ezra's role and for good reason.

He's extremely talented. Lucas is too, don't get me wrong, but Ezra's just...outside of this world. Not that I'd ever say that out loud–Lucas would definitely kill me.

"It's alright, Myles!" A mother of one of the other players–or so I'm assuming–at the lower end of the bleachers shouts. "You got this!"

Lucas proceeds to strike out.

That's awfully boring. I only like coming to sports games when the team I'm rooting for wins. Even better if there's suspense. I'm aware of how shallow that is, but it's the truth.

My dad huffs a breath out and stands up from the bleachers. "I'm going to talk to him, be right back."

I don't get the chance to reply before he heads towards the dugout.

The teams switch off, my brother's getting into their positions on the field. There's a few people that I recognize. Some of them I go to school with and some have been to our house after practices or games.

I see Lucas and my dad talking just outside of the dugout, both looking distressed.

That's when Ezra walks up to them. He says something that gets my dad to nod before walking away.

I'm not sure why, but I continue to watch as Ezra speaks to Lucas. My brother goes back into the dugout and Ezra gets out onto the field.

Baseball in hand, he goes onto the pitcher's mound and waits for the batter to come out.

Him and the catcher throw back and forth a couple times before a player in a dark green jersey walks out with a bat.

Once everyone is ready, Ezra waits just a few seconds before launching the ball at the batter.


I've never been intrigued by how much a pitcher's whole body moves when throwing the ball. Not until now at least.

I'm not sure if I'm staring too hard, but Ezra ends up looking over at me. He seems surprised for a moment before a grin spreads across his lips and he gives me a curt nod.

The smile fades when the ball is thrown back to him and he repeats the pitching process, only to throw a little too low.

"Come on, Clancy!" I shout, just to spite him.

He doesn't look my way, but I notice that he smiles again, shaking his head.

This time when he throws, the batter hits it and makes it to first base.

So much for being outside of this world.


Excitement rushes through me as we load onto the plane. We as in me, my dad, and Lucas, as well as Ezra and two other of Lucas's friends that also happen to be on the baseball team.

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