14. The Captain and the Lord

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"Are...are you sure this is all right?" Hesitantly, Adaira glanced down at Berty. "Originally, this was supposed to be my job!"

"Of course, it is." Giving her a pat on the back, Lilly snatched the little fellow from her arms.

"But...but you even paid me for it! And now I'll be doing nothing?"

"Yes!" A broad grin spread across the other woman's face. "Amazing, isn't it? You'll be the first to receive a salary from Mr Rikkard Ambrose for doing sod-all."

Adaira felt a certain muscle in her face twitch. She was starting to understand why that always happened to her brother around Lilly. "That is not the point!"

"I know." Her expression softened, and she glanced down at her son in her arms. "Trust me, I know. But would you be willing to stay here and leave Captain Carter to us?"

Adaira opened her mouth to say that yes, of course she would—and the words stuck in her throat.

Lilly smiled. There was no blame in the smile. Not even a hint of it. "That's what I thought. Don't worry. It's all right."

"I disagree," came a cool voice from behind her. "I would very much like to hear more about that supposed salary."

"Don't worry. I'll tell you all about it once we're on our way." And with a last wink at her husband, she turned towards the old woman in the headscarf who was watching the whole scene from a few yards away. Stepping forward, she tentatively held out the baby in her arms. "You don't mind doing this, do you? Taking care of him, I mean."

Adaira watched the scene with trepidation. If the old lady gave a wrong answer, she would be stuck here. Adaira knew that, with her brother watching over her like a hawk, it was already very lucky to be able to come this far. It was unrealistic, even foolish, to want to go farther. But...

Better a fool than a coward.

She was going to go. And she was going to get her man come hell or high water!

Well...if she wasn't stuck on babysitting duty, that is.

Anxiously, she eyed Lilly as she held out her child to the old lady who would decide what happened next.


Fully aware of Adaira's anxious gaze boring into my back, I stepped towards Granny Aatifa with some hesitation. It wasn't that I had any hesitation about leaving Berty with her. Karim was one of the most trustworthy and reliable people I had ever met, and his mother was basically a female version of him, just smaller, fiercer, and with motherly instincts the size of Mount Everest. But was she really fine with this? After having to bring up around a dozen children, I didn't think I would be eager to look after another.

"You really don't mind?" Tentatively, I gestured at Berty in my arms, who was still happily playing with the golden medallion. Luckily, the thing was far too big for him to try and swallow, because he had steadfastly refused to let go of it. "If you can't do it, then—"

"Girl," Granny Aatifa cut me off mercilessly, "don't worry about it. If there's one thing in the world I'm good at, it's looking after children." She cast a glance at Karim. "Even if they're unappreciative brats who don't visit their mother for years." Then she turned back to me, completely ignoring her son's grumbled protests. "So, you go with peace of mind, and take that Adaira girl, too. Help her find her man. It's clear she won't stay here, no matter how much her brother wants her to." She glanced at Karim again. "At least someone will be getting married soon and not disappoint their mother anymore."

"Thank you!" Stepping forward, I gave the old woman a gentle, one-armed hug. "Thank you so much!"

"It's no trouble. Besides..." Smirking, the old lady nodded towards Adaira, who was pacing up and down not far away. "I have a feeling that the governess you hired will have things other than her job on her mind."

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