Chapter 55

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I froze, completely off guard.  "Um, run that by me again?  I think I misheard you."

"If you heard me ask you out for drinks, you heard right."  Marcus chuckled.  "I understand if it's too soon or if you're just not interested."  He smiled.  "But I'd be kicking myself later if I didn't at least ask."

I felt my cheeks heat up.  "I'm flattered, I really am, but-"

"Say no more."  Marcus smiled.  "That's fine.  But at least take this."  Marcus scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to me.  "That's my number if you ever change your mind.  I have to get back, but I hope I see you around sometime."

I smiled as I accepted his napkin.  "Thank you."  I smiled as Marcus left.

Nikki came up behind me.  "I got that on video."

"Why?"  I asked, an eyebrow raised.

Nikki shrugged innocently, which told me it was anything but.  "Why?"

"Trent needs to know what a hot commodity you are."  Nikki mused.

"Are you starting drama?"

"Me?  Never!" 

"Great, you are.  You should know I'm drama free."

"It's fine, just trust me."  Nikki promised.  "Are you ready to get out of that dress now?"

I nodded.  "Yes, should we head to your place?"

Nikki smiled.  "I've already ordered us food."

Sweatpants and a tank top.  Is there a more comfortable combination?  I relaxed for probably the last time in the next three months.  My life was about to be a whirlwind.  I stayed at Nikki's for a few more hours before heading over to my parents' house for dinner.

"I saw you interview!"  Katie squealed.  "I can't believe my sister is a celebrity!"

I rolled my eyes.  "I'm not a celebrity."

"Are too!  You were on Saturday Morning with Marcus and Vanessa!  You're Mrs. Ralston!"

"I never actually changed my name."  I pointed out.  "Can you let this go?"  I asked, uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Fine," Katie huffed.  "Will you at least tell us why you're divorcing that incredible hunk of man meat?"

"Katie!"  My dad and I shouted at the same time.

"Sorry, I just want to know."  Katie huffed.

"Katie, why don't you help your mother in the kitchen."  Dad offered.  Reluctantly she left and I was thankful for the easy silence between my father and me.  "You want to talk about it?"  Dad offered.

I shook my head.  "Not yet.  Trent and I, it's complicated, even though we're getting a divorce, it's not over between us.  I can't really explain, but that's the gist."

My dad smiled.  "Love is complicated."

"It really is and just when it starts making sense everything gets turned upside down."

"That sounds about right.  I know you'll tell me in your own time, when you're ready.  Just tell me this, are you okay?"

I nodded. "I think I am."

"And did he do something I need to deal with him about?"

I smiled and shook my head.  "No, Dad.  He hasn't done something to deserve the father wrath."  I laughed.

"Good.  I'm getting too old to hunt someone down anyway."  Dad joked.  "And Katie keeps us busy enough."

Dinner was mostly pleasant.  Mom was far from okay with the fact that I was getting a divorce and wouldn't explain it to her.  Dad assured me he'd take care of it for me.  Katie was a little pushy, but dropped it after Dad and I yelled at her again.  I think she was spending too much time with Chloe.  When this was over I'd ask Nikki to take her shopping soon. 

I hugged my mom and thanked her for the wonderful meal and then Dad walked me out to my car.

"My baby girl is growing up before my eyes."  Dad smiled.  "I'm proud of you, baby.  I'm proud of who you've become.  I trust you to make the right decisions, but don't forget you've always got a home here with me and your mama, and we're always on your side."

I smiled and nodded.  "Thanks, Dad.  It really means the world to me."

I went home for the first time since the break-in ready to clean up.  It took a few hours to clean up the fingerprint dust.  I was tired when I went to bed.  I couldn't help but feel the place was empty now.  My bed seemed too big.  I was restless and couldn't sleep.  I tossed and turned, but every little noise brought me back to an uneasy consciousness. 

Eventually, I gave up.  Defeated I got up and started the coffee process.  I stared at my phone, the urge to call Trent there, but knowing that was a bad idea.  With a resigned sigh I plopped myself down on my couch and started reading.  A few hours later I fell into an uneasy sleep.  It felt like moments later the alarm went off and I got up.  Feeling sluggish, I got a shower and slowly made my way through my morning routine.  

I headed over to the site and started helping the medical staff get acquainted and settled in.  My lead research doctor was Dr. Avery Quinn.  She was a specialist in identifying cancer cells before they can metastasize.  I'd allowed her to bring three of her staff with her, that included her research assistant and two nurses.  They made up half my staff.  Then there was also Dr. Henry Ramsey.  He had been studying the effectiveness of new cancer treatments for the past 20 years.  He'd only brought an assistant with him.  I'd supplied the rest of our staff. 

I was research lead on our side, Rory my right hand.  Meri and Jason offered their help, Meri is also a certified phlebotomist and Jason is more or less muscle to help the patients.  My team I trusted, Dr. Quinn and Dr. Ramsey I trusted, their staff, not so much.

I would be overseeing everything myself.  My team knew how I ran things, they'd help me keep everything moving.  Tonight, I was taking the entire staff out to dinner.

We went to a nice steakhouse and everyone had their fill to eat and drink and at the end, I stood up to toast everyone.  "I'd like to thank all of you for coming tonight, whether it was just across town or across the country.  I appreciate that Dr. Quinn and Dr. Ramsey and their teams for coming down for the next three months.  And for my medical staff who are willing to be on call 24/7 for the next three months.  All of your efforts will be appreciated.  And I'd like to say a special thank you to our silent benefactor, without their generous funding none of this would be possible.  And then there's my team,"  my eyes met Rory's, Jason's, and Meri's before I continued.  "You three have stuck with me through an awful lot and don't think it goes unnoticed, even if I sometimes forget to say it or appreciate it.  And God knows you're all saints for putting up with me."  I smiled.

"Ain't it the truth," Rory joked.

"And I want to say thank you."  I smiled.  "I look forward to getting to know those of you I'm not acquainted with.  And I'm looking forward to the success of this study.  Cheers!"  We clinked glasses and then headed to our respective homes.


Well my darlings, I'm thinking about putting a teaser/hint at the end of each chapter for the next one.  What do you think?  I'll try it on here, if you hate it, I won't do it anymore, if you like it, then I'll keep doing it.

Teaser: Tying up more loose ends, more drama, a legal summons and bum bum buuuuummmmm Trent will be back next chapter :D

I'm also curious, how many of you think you've figured out Mikaela and Trent's plan?  Comment your guesses and if any of you guess correctly I'll dedicate a chapter to the first person who guesses right!  Ooooh I'm excited and sad to see this story coming to an end!!!   Enjoy my darlings! <3

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