29. Melina's feeling

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After my meeting with the president, I went back to my flat. There weren't any training sessions during the weekend since Melina made plans with Anastasia and Lucas to look around the academy together. Of course, she invited me too, but I declined.

The time we were spending while training was enough for me to build a good friendship with them, and I could see that Alex was starting to trust me a little more after all the advice I gave him to improve his strength.

Now my next plan was to interact with a particular dwarf student in the second year. Well, that was what I thought I would do tomorrow, but it seemed that the president had already taken him under her wing. The list she showed me already contained most of the people that I was planning to interact with.

I was thankful to the president for that, because making all those people join my side by myself would have been really burdensome. I had to admit that she was really useful. Some of those people had opposite personalities, but nevertheless, she was able to make an organization with all of them together.

I started recalling some of the names that I had prioritized. First was Elijiah Do'or, a dwarf who was going to become an important person in the future. He had a rare skill that enabled him to modify the equipment of the demons for humans to use without any side effects.

Next was Diana Lau, an elf student in the fourth year who was currently working on a potion that could boost the abilities of a person temporarily. I already knew the ingredients of the potion, but making it myself will be impossible because it will require someone with the alchemist job.

Florence Johnson was another person I was interested in. He was a second-year student, and despite being a priest, he couldn't cast any healing spells. Everyone always looked down on him, but he was going to prove them wrong by creating an impenetrable barrier during the first demon raid.

Those three were people I had prioritized meeting during the first semester. But thanks to the president, they were already working for me, although they don't know it yet.

But there were also a few names I had never heard of. The president said that they were people she recruited based on her past life. So they were people who were able to get a chance to prove their worth after all the changes my future self made to the original plot.

It also means that I have indirectly created them. I immediately sent a message to the president, asking her to organize a meeting with the members tomorrow. I then went to my private gym and spent the whole evening training.


"I didn't know so many facilities existed inside the academy. Thank you for today, Melina. I will head home to train a little now. Let's meet again tomorrow at the same time."

After walking around the academy and visiting different buildings, Lucas parted ways with Anastasia and Melina. The two girls then decided to relax a little on a bench near their dormitory building.

"I wish Alex could have joined us today."

"He said he was busy with his research, so there's nothing you could have done."

"You are right. But he also needs to relax a little. I should invite him again tomorrow."

"Alright, but I don't think he will come. We are all friends, but sometimes I feel like he is keeping some distance from us, as if he's living in another world of his own."

"Don't worry, he is just a little shy."

'How could you call someone like him shy?' Anastasia was curious how her innocent friend was able to reach such a conclusion, but she didn't question her since she knew that her answer would be more confusing.

"Melina, can I ask you something?"

Anastasia's voice became serious, but her friend didn't notice anything and just replied cheerfully.

"Of course."

"Do you like Alex?"

"I..what are you saying? He is just a good friend, that's all."

"Then why is your face red?"

"I...I... I don't know." Melina lowered her face and covered it with her hands.

Seeing her friend like that, Anastasia started patting Melina's head. "It's alright. But be careful, please. I have a feeling that he is hiding something important from us."





I was eating my breakfast peacefully when I received consecutive notifications from my smart watch. I opened them, and I saw that they were all from a group chat. Its name was so embarrassing that I didn't want to think about it.

Cool Name Pending

[Melina] : Alex, we missed you yesterday. Are you free today?

[Lucas] : Yes, you should definitely join us today.

[Anastasia] : You can come if you want.

From Anastasia's message, I could guess that Melina forced her to send a message in the group chat. Maybe she thought if everyone invited me to join them, it would be hard for me to refuse.

Unfortunately, I already planned to meet the president in an hour, so I had to reject their invitation again. Not that I would have joined them even if I were completely free.

Cool Name Pending

[Alex] : Sorry guys. I'm really busy today. I will see you tomorrow during class.

After sending the message, I closed the group chat without even waiting for a response. I quickly finished eating my breakfast and started preparing myself to leave.

As soon as I left the first-year dormitory, I was surprised to see the president sitting on a nearby bench alone while reading a book. She was wearing a normal blue wraparound dress today.

When she noticed me approaching, she closed her book and smiled at me. "You're early."

"Were we supposed to meet here?"

"No, but I decided to wait for you here so that we could walk together."


"Anastasia, why is Melina like that?"

"She is sad because Alex couldn't join us."

"It's alright, Melina. Alex said that he was really busy, and we all know how important his research is, right?"

"He didn't say he was busy with his research, though."

Melina immediately turned her gloomy face toward Anastasia.

"What do you mean?"

Lucas was also confused by Anastasia's remarks, but after thinking about them deeply, he realized what Anastasia meant.

"Oh, you mean he could also be busy with his training, right?"

"Can you think of anything else except training? Well, anyway, let's start by visiting the holy museum. This should lighten up your mood a little, Melina."

When they left the dormitory building, Lucas spotted his friend walking with a beautiful elf girl a few meters away.

"Oh, look, it's Alex."

When Melina looked in the direction that Lucas was pointing, she was shocked to see Alex walking with a female elf, their arms wrapped together.


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