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36| Evelyn

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This wasn't working.

This wasn't what I had in mind when I had told Atlas that I needed some space. I was hoping to get more control over things, over my thoughts and emotions while also staying out of the sight of gossip mongers. This time apart was supposed to help me get perspective and refocus on what was truly important. My career. My future.

Instead, it made me into a complete emotional wreck. If I wasn't with Atlas, I would be thinking about him. Constantly. What he would say in certain situations, what he would do, what he could be doing at the moment. More often than not I caught myself daydreaming about him instead of getting any work done.

And when we were in each other's vicinity like we were now, it became almost impossible to not walk up to him and kiss him breathless.

"Evelyn!" April snapped her fingers in front of my face and I blinked away from Atlas, focusing on her instead. "You're zoning out again."

"Sorry. Sorry, I was just..." I sighed. "Nevermind. What were you saying?"

"Can you convince Atlas to put some powder on his face? He still looks all tired and sweaty from the practice and he needs to look all handsome and amazing for the video," she said, glancing over at Atlas who stood scowling in the middle of the backyard. "I've tried approaching him but he just says no and walks away."

She threw her hands up exasperatedly and gave me a look that said 'Can you believe that?'

I can believe that but I didn't say that out loud. That was pretty on-brand for Atlas. Especially when he was feeling extra grumpy. "I'll go talk to him," I said.

A bright smile lit up April's face. "You're the best!" she exclaimed. "Bring him to the back porch once you are done."

I nodded with a smile and April went off to instruct others. Today we were working on Derek and April's ideas that we'd discussed in our last meeting. With the midterms approaching, everything needed to be done in one day so we all could focus on our studies for the next few weeks. The morning and most of the afternoon were spent finishing off the remaining couple of interviews and shooting content at the rink for Derek's ideas.

Now, it was April's turn and we were back at the hockey house. Not because Derek was my direct competitor and I absolutely hated his existence but I rather enjoyed working on April's ideas. They were fun and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Except the grumpy captain of course.

"If you're here to convince me to put goo on my face, don't. I'm not agreeing to that!" Atlas said without even looking at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, don't be dramatic. It's just some powder."

"I'm not putting that on either."

"Why? Don't tell me it's because you think powder will make you feminine because that is ridiculous," I said, putting my hands on my hips. "The rest of the team doesn't seem to mind. Dylan is loving it."

Dylan was loving it a little too much. Not only did he bring out his own skincare items, but he also had Noor be on standby to powder his nose every couple of minutes. I was afraid that if he stopped the shooting one more time and called her again, she would empty the container on his head.

Atlas snorted. "Dylan loves it when someone feeds his superstar complex. And no I don't think powder will make me feminine. It's just that..." he bit his lip and averted his gaze, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. "I don't like how it feels on my skin. And it makes me look like a ghost."

Despite my attempts to compose myself, I ended up laughing which only made Atlas more grumpy. He was about to walk away but I grabbed him by the elbow. "Wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh but the image in my head was too funny."

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by Fleur
When Evelyn and her long-term enemy, star hockey captain Atlas, are f...
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