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This time, getting pregnant was an accident. In the future, even if Zhou Chengkang would want another child, Li Qinghe didn't want to have one. Not only was childbirth extremely painful, but raising a child also required a lot of hard work.

And to raise a few more kids, who would be able to stand that?

She looked at the moonlight outside and asked, "If it's really a daughter, then won't we have to marry her off in the future? I can't bear to think about it."

"Marriage?" Zhou Chengkang didn't seem to have thought of this. The hands wrapped around her belly tightened and he said, "We will not marry her off. We have so much land, and we can also build a house and have the son-in-law live with us."

A live-in son-in-law?

Thankfully he figured it out. Li Qinghe laughed, and Zhou Chengkang eloquently said, "Second brother lives a good life."

Indeed, after the second brother Zhou married into the Li family, the Li Family treated him very well and didn't suffer any discrimination as rumored. In fact, the Li family was faintly headed by him, and most of the members were willing to listen to him.

Of course, the second brother Zhou could make his decisions and stand on his own and wouldn't let Mrs. Zhou interfere with their matters.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Zhou really couldn't control anyone. After the recent incident with the eldest brother Zhou's family, the husband and wife easily quarreled with each other. Mei Hua always complained he shouldn't have picked money from the roadside and emptied their savings. And eldest brother Zhou still didn't think that he was at fault. He still had a feeling that he was the victim.

Whenever the two would quarrel, he would justify himself saying: these disasters were brought by old lady Liu on their family. They shouldn't have gone to take what was left behind by her to the town. All their miseries came after they encountered a windfall. First, they were robbed, then he picked the money from the roadside and went to jail. In the end, all their money was gone and only he was safe.

So he concluded that he will not take any more windfalls!

Since then, he has been more kind to everyone. Even if there was money on the road, he would never reach out to pick it up.

And as for the second brother Zhou, Mrs. Zhou believed that a son was married into the wife's family and was considered as a married daughter. They could be considered relatives, but there were certain boundaries they could not cross.

As for the third brother Zhou and his wife, Mrs. Zhou could talk to them about their food and clothing and sometimes she even quarreled with Zhang Haiyao. But the couple didn't listen to her.

As for Zhou Chengkang and Li Qinghe, it was even more impossible for them to listen to her. No matter how big or small the matter was, they were always in charge.

The weather grew hotter and hotter and Li Qinghe's belly kept getting bigger day by day. Because she was afraid of being alone when she gave birth, she seldom left the house. Dr. Huang, who used to come every three days to the village to go to the mountains, recently moved to live with them. He didn't go to the mountains anymore. It was also good as he could teach calligraphy to Xiyu.

It could be said that Xiyu's handwriting was similar to a doctor's scribble. It was nonsense to call his writing practicing calligraphy. Now only he could understand what's written on the doctor's prescription. But Zhou Chengkang was quite happy to support it so that he would not have to go to the town to pick up prescriptions in the future.

The swaddles and clothes were ready for the baby at home. And as for the crib, Zhou Chengkang made a new crib for the baby, which was much better than Xiyu's.

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