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491 It’s Fine Even If You Don’t Wear Clothes

“How can a hotel be cleaner than staying at home?” Ron asked. “The hotel is not as comfortable as Shi Chen’s!”

“He even has his own swimming pool at home! You don’t even need to wear any clothes inside!”

Shi Xi was expressionless.

Shi Chen looked over coldly.

Ron knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly changed his words. “What I mean is that you’ll have more freedom staying at Shi Chen’s place, unlike staying at a hotel with so many restrictions. There are so many people with bad intentions now. Shi Chen is worried about you and doesn’t want you to be hurt by those with bad intentions.”

This was a reasonable statement.

“It’s not like in China. Guns are legal, street fights are not safe here, and I’m worried about you living outside alone. We haven’t seen each other much in China. Don’t you want to spend more time with me?” Shi Chen continued.

“Alright, I’ll have to trouble you then, Second Brother,” Shi Xi said after some thought.

Indeed, she had not spent much time with Shi Chen.

Most of the time, it was with Shi Xu.

Besides, when Shi Xi thought about the director, she felt that staying in a hotel wasn’t a good decision.

The car followed the planned route and arrived at Shi Chen’s house.

Shi Xi did not have a good impression of Shi Chen in the beginning. She had always been with Shi Xu, so it was inevitable that she would be closer to Shi Xu.

When Shi Chen had taken over the position of the Shi Corporation’s president the moment he had returned to the country, Shi Xi had felt that he was a scheming person.

However, after spending some time with him, Shi Xi felt that she had probably misunderstood.

It didn’t take long for the car to enter the villa.

Shi Chen had a huge villa here. Just as Ron had said, there was a huge swimming pool inside.

When they arrived, Shi Xi said, “You haven’t had your meal, have you?” I’ll make dinner, okay?”

“You can cook?” Shi Chen asked.

“I only know how to do some simple things.” Shi Xi stuck out her tongue.

She opened the refrigerator and took a look. “Is beef noodles okay?”

“I haven’t eaten yet either,” Ron said. “Can you make me another bowl?”

“If you haven’t eaten yet, hurry back to eat,” Shi Chen said with a smile, “I won’t keep you.”

Ron leaned on the table and shamelessly stayed behind. He said, “You can’t do this! I only came back from the bar to accompany you!”

“Did I ask you to accompany me?”

“It’s alright. I’m going to make more anyway.” Shi Xi smiled.

She hadn’t eaten either.

Shi Chen stared at Ron and reminded him. “Leave quickly after you’re done eating. You’re not allowed to stay any longer!”

Ron nodded.

When Shi Xi was cooking, Ron wanted to go to the kitchen to harass her but was stopped by Shi Chen.

“Shi Chen, don’t you want our relationship to go further?” Ron asked with a thick face.

“Stay away from me, you g*y!” Shi Chen said in disdain.