Chapter 9- Putting the Pieces Together

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Chapter 9- Putting the Pieces Togehter

Across the hall was an X. An X painted in blood. And on our doorstep was a small note with splatters of the same red substance. More gasps filled the empty air.

"What does the note say?" Questioned Morgan furiously, voice shaking. Slowly, I picked it up and examined the fine print.

"It says, 'There's more where that came from.' What do you think that means?" I said pausing to soak in every word.

"Well one thing is for sure, it's from X." Said Kelsey, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, but do you think it means that there is more murders to come or blood. Or both?" I asked, rephrasing my last question. I glanced back up at the door, taking in the gruesome drips and wondering who could of painted it there.

"I'm not sure. But I think X is warning us to stay in line and follow directions, of not more people get hurt." Concluded Brooke with puffy eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I never should of followed that...that thing! No one would of gotten hurt." I moaned.

"No, it's good you did. I can't help but ask, who is the real enemy here?" Pondered Kelsey. This question stumped everyone. Who?

We were in no shape to think, all beat up and worn out, so we nearly collapsed on the floor to sleep. My dreams were filled with dark creatures and thick red lines. I dreamt I was underwater and bubbles of blood floating up on my sides. I tried to scream for help but all I got was a mouthful of water.

I awoke with a start and found everyone else still asleep on the floor. I knew that there was no chance of falling back asleep so I slowly got up and trotted into the bathroom. The marble was cold on my bare feet as I slipped into the shower. The warm water danced along my chilled skin as I got to thinking.

So many questions were unanswered and pieces untouched. Did Madame Miranda know how X was threatening them? Did she care? Did Derek Thorton know me? Where did I know him from? When were we going to kill Derek? Why was our crest in that graveyard? What is the truth about my grandma?

"Oh!" I thought aloud. The pieces kind of fit! I had to tell my team!

I got dressed and shook them awake, excited to share the news.

"Guys! I think I can clarify what's happening!" I shouted into their ears. Moans came from across the room, begging me to be quiet, but I pursued.

"Okay, as we were saying earlier, X wants us weak. Madame Miranda doesn't know because if X intends to threaten us, no one else can know of the plans. Those figures are X's men and they have a base here in Paris. But it isn't a base just for X, it's part of our program, one of the international training areas. And my parents are lying about my grandma's death, which is the only thing that doesn't make any sense. Why would they lie?" I reported to Disappearing, Inc. They awoke as I explained what was happening and I could see the light bulb appearing over their bed heads.

"It makes sense right?" I asked, still filled with relief of putting the pieces together.

Morgan replied, "Yes. Now all we have to do is get Derek Thorton to spill what he knows... and kill him. But how?"

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