The crooked path of a cursed world

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A stupid fucking building on the Stiix.




“Get off of me!”

For the past two minutes I've been fighting against Morro, trying to protect my own body from his plans.

“You're so soft.” He purrs, laying his head down on my chest, “look at that baby glow.”

“No!” Freeing my hand I slapped his cheek, except the sting in my hand wasn't the only thing I felt.

A forceful impact caused my head to turn in the opposite direction, but nothing… nothing touched me.

Shakingly, I brought my hand up to my cheek, “I… I can feel… your pain.” instead of sharing our thoughts without touch, we share pain.

Morro pushed my shoulders down in my haze. “I can show you pleasure.” His hand slithered down my torso, stopping at the top of my skirt. “I'm not the kid.”

Hitting him will only result in hurting me, and I'm pretty sure his pain tolerance is higher than mine. I'd only be beating myself up while he takes advantage of my weak state.

A small whimper left me, giving up on delaying the inevitable.

The hand settled on my chest, stopped its motion, ”Keep your hands off of her!”

My eyes widen seeing the normal image of Lloyd.

Don't let him…. Ahgh, TOUCH you!” His body rolled off of me, spasming on the wooden floor.

“L-lloyd?” I quickly sat up, pulling the brassiere top up to cover myself. “Lloyd! Keep fighting him!”

Shivering on the ground his eyes lidded weakly, “i… I can't…

Lloyd's blonde hair faded back to black.

“Fine!” Morro sat his hand on his head, dizzy, “he fights back even more when it evolves you.” he growls out, glaring down at me.

Thanks to Lloyd's strength I'm safe, but I seriously need to get out of here.

The door swings open, welcoming the face of a rugged man. Not half bad looking if you were to ask me.

He glances up making eye contact with Morro who sat back on his throne of a chair, “Good evening.”

Ghoultar, one of the summoned ghost, slapped the door shut, “And good night.”

“Heh, I like what you've done with the place. Pretty gusty making your hideout right here in Stiix. With this much water, they'd never come looking for you here.” He glances at me nervously.

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