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becky almost shouted friend's name.

haha yeah its me.
friend said with a bright smile in her face.

what are you doing here?
becky ask her

well what do you think?
friend state while pointing at her self she is wearing her uniform.

ohh your a doctor here?
becky ask her and friend just nodded on her.

by the way, you look so uncomfty?
friend said while looking at becky.

ohhh yeah i almost forget i am looking for the restroom.
she answer while laughting.

ahh, mind if i send you there?
friend offer becky that made becky relief

after going out of the restroom friend and becky continue chating while freen and freecia on the other side is waiting for becky on the spot where she leaves them.

by the way, your working here right.
becky ask her again

yeah i already said earlier.
friend answered her

oh my bad.
she laugh and felt shy on her own same question.

actually my dad own this hospital so i really need to be a doctor.
friend said with a big sight

look not so satis-
becky was about to say something when someone interupted her.

done having fun?
freen said with freecia sleeping on her shoulder.

ohh freen how are you?
friend greeted her.

not talking to you, but good.
she answet coldly not even paying attention on friend.

sorry freen, i didn't notice the time  really sorry.
becky said feeling guilty seeing her daughter falling a sleep on freen's shoulder.

im your boss not your daughter's maid.
freen said still looking straight in becky, while friend is feeling the tension on the both side.

it was actually my faul-
friend was about to say something when freen cutted her again.

not talking to you, let go ms. Armstrong.
freen said leaving friend feeling disrespected while becky mouthed her a sorry and friend just nodd about it.

month's have past and thing goes on the way that both freen and becky didn't expected, freen start spending more time with freecia and becky's daughter likes being around her favorite phi, at first it makes becky worried think many thing of how did freen treat her what if its just one of her show? but then she chooses to trust freen for good since the two really getting along with each other they have many similarities specially freecia's love for art and book's sometimes when they are going out many people are thinking freecia is freen's daughter that somehow makes becky flattured, it feel's like she is dreaming, but that change for the reason that even becky didn't know this week is being weird  that made her worry again.

Becky's POV

another day and another work to do i am on my way to freen's company with freecia well this become our routine, ill go to work while she is on freen's office month have past and everything's okay i mean not a this past week's cause i felt like freen is being distance on me, were not talking anymore like how we use to be the last month no more small talk about how naughty my daughter is with her and many thing i dont know, it make me worried for some reason...

were here cha cha.
i said and my daughter just nodded being to busy on the puzzle that freen brougth for her last week.

after fixing her thing she immediately jump out of the car and waited for me as usual im going to send her to freen and me work thats my life.

my daughter hugged freen same senario everyday and im getting use to them no more jealousy or what.

ill trear her to lunch earlier come with us.
freen said not even looking at me.

okay ill just come here?
i ask her

no were going down to your office, you may start working.
she said i just kiss freecia on the forehead and immediately leave her office as she wish.

its already june and freecia's birthday is coming i mean its not new but freen said that she wants to plan it for my daughter but what is she doing now, what wrong with her i should be working not but here i am waisting my time thinking about my boss.

I shouted feeling defeat when i said that freen being us will never be my problem.

look so stress.
a familliar voice said.

oh billy come in.
i said andhe immediately come inside with a coffee on his hand.

here drink this.
he said oh my, i really felt like god send him to me just kidding he is always there when i needed him.

i said and take a sip on the coffee.

do what's the deal?
he ask me well i dont really mind sharing my problem's with him i just dont want to share this one.

nothing just work.
i lied to him.

okay by the way, wanna join me for lunch?
huhh lunch? what heck did i just f*ck i didn't notice the time.

i still have work to do so may be next time.
i said and i can how his reaction change into a pouty one.

you can just do it later come o-
he didn't had a chancr to continue his words when my daughter interrupted him.

mommy is going with me mister.
she said and i see freen on the door staring  at billy.

good afternoon ms.F
he greeted her and she just nodded.

pick your things up, were both hungry well just wait you in the car.
she said and sign freecia to come with her.

excuse me!!!
freecia said and look at billy with a weird face she really is something.

freen's POV.

after many senario of becky and billy being together i suddenly felt something i mean yeah were good now but why am i feeling like this first is with friend and now its billy, i can feel mixed emotion inside me sometimes its start making me worried becky makes me feel thing that i shouldn't, she is married and yet i... i f*cked up i cant this anymore it is really good to distance my self i dont want to ruin someones family.

freecia called me on the backseat, she is still solving the puzzle that i gave her, well she is a smart and amazing kid how i wish she is my daughter but it happen not, becky and nop is to lucky to have her.

lets go?
becky open the door in the passenger sit and as usual that becomes here place everytime were together with freecia.

yeah, freecia seatbelt on?
i ask busy kid on the back.

yupsie all done phi.
she said with a bright smile her teeth is really same as mine cute.

(Fast Forward...)

after the lunch freecia and freen go back to freen's office while becky is doing her work in her office time has already past and time to go home now.

argh!!! so tired but atleast im done.
becky said to her self after fixing her things and getting ready going to freen's office to pick her daughter up, she is on her way to freen's office thinking what is she going to see today when she got there.

she enter the office calling her daughter's name, and after a few step becky saw something that really melt's her heart.

i wish i can see you both like this every day.

Hi BB's sorrt for the late update again... no worries going to do double update tonight may be hehe, hope you like this chapter please dont forget to vote and follow me of course hehe have a goodnight🐰.

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