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Ch. 8

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"Luna!" Colton called me, but I ignored him.

I was furious and couldn't keep it to myself. I'm at my breaking point. I had to escape from him before I did or said something I'd regret.

I stormed out of Colton's place, not even waiting for the butler to open the door. I walked past him and he said, "Miss Stavrakos, are you leaving?"

Right away, I went to the elevator. I was really angry, my face all flushed and my hands all clenched up.

Ugh, I can't stand him. He was acting all high and mighty, like a total jerk! I shouldn't have shown up. I was dumb not to see that he'd be totally up for playing games with me. He hasn't changed one bit. He's still that annoying ogre in college. I hope he enjoyed himself!

I got in the elevator and stood in the corner, taking deep breaths to let go of all the tension. The elevator was about to close, but Colton stopped it with his hand.

Ugh! I clenched my jaw.

Colton was right in front of me, giving me a gentle look. He had this intense gaze, looking right into my eyes. For a second, I caught a glimpse of desire in his eyes.

Was it real, or did I just imagine it?

"Come back. We're not done talking." He said.

"Well, I'm done with you!" I snapped at him. "You can't resist getting under my skin and making me angry."

"Isn't that what you're doing to me? You acted so calmly, and yet your eyes said it all!"

"My eyes?! What did I do with my eyes? I don't get it."

"That rolling, side eyes and glare...they speak more than words."

I made a face with my lips. "You should've let me know sooner that they bothered you. I could have worn dark shades!" I got super angry, and he moved closer, looking more threatening.

He was looking right into my eyes. For a passing moment, I could see desire burning in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" My eyes widened, watching him move and stand closer to me.

My heart was racing like crazy. I was terrified by my reaction to him. I was fully aware of him in every way.

He leaned forward, his face getting closer to mine.

Oh my God, he's going to kiss me!

In a split second, my hand reacted like a robotic mechanism, swiftly rising and delivering a powerful slap to his cheeks, preventing his mouth from touching mine. I could hear the blow ringing inside the elevator.

I was just as shocked by what I did. My eyes went wide when I saw my hand leave a red mark on his cheek.

Colton touched his cheek and gave me a dangerous look. Next thing I knew, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me so hard.

His kiss was so intense, I couldn't help but gasp, and he took it as an invitation to explore my mouth with his tongue. He wrapped his hand around my neck and kissed me more with so much heat.

I felt so out of control that I wanted to give in. I was completely obsessed with being closer to him. His kisses were on fire, all over the place, and absolutely perfect, making my whole body tingled from my lips down to between my legs.

How can I feel like this towards him?

"This is totally wrong." I planted my hands against his chest.

"How can this be wrong when it feels so good?" His arm hugging me tight, molding my curves perfectly against his muscular body. I could feel his length pressing against my belly. Solid as a rock.

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