Meet BlueStarrySky1

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1. How did you start writing on Wattpad?

I had gained an interest in writing two years before joining when a short story I'd written in class was awarded a prize. Many of my friends were talking about Wattpad, and I decided to try it out. I published two novels on the site (both of which have been taken down but some might remember them) and loved it so much I kept going!

2. So You Might be Soulless features a society where people can have soulmates and explores how a character deals with not having one. What inspired you to write about the soulmate trope? Is there another trope you're itching to write your own spin on someday?

I thought of the idea after watching a terrible, sappy romance which claimed the two leads are forever destined to be together. I wondered, 'What about asexual and aromantic people, then?' I wrote a rough idea on a scrap paper then promptly lost and forgot about it. A few months later, I revisited the concept and started drafting it on a doc. After many many edits, I finally published the idea on Wattpad!

Oh, that's a good question! I've actually been working on an 'enemies-to-lovers' twist offline which I'm excited to share once it's done!

3. Which of your characters do you relate to the most strongly?

Hmm... I would say Diya because I also face many prejudices due to factors about myself I cannot control, and she is on the asexual spectrum as well.

4. If you could teleport into any fictional world of your choosing, which one would you choose and why?

I would say the Percy Jackson universe by Rick Riodran! I've always loved his works and this would also give me a chance to see my favorite characters up close- although, I don't really fancy my chances against a monster 😅

5. What is your favorite Wattpad story with aro-spec or ace-spec rep? What's your favorite thing about it?

The first one is 'Zara' by moon_cursed. I Iove the author's style of writing and the dynamics she showed between Zara and her friends and family.

The second one is 'The Adventures of an Aromantic Asshole in a shockingly clichè world' by Quack_Theory

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The second one is 'The Adventures of an Aromantic Asshole in a shockingly clichè world' by Quack_Theory. It's incredibly funny and never fails to make me laugh!

Huge thanks to BlueStarrySky1 for the amazing interview! Ever feel like your soulmate might just be an exceptional Wattpad story? We hope this interview introduces more readers to stories they'll love

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Huge thanks to BlueStarrySky1 for the amazing interview! Ever feel like your soulmate might just be an exceptional Wattpad story? We hope this interview introduces more readers to stories they'll love.

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