V1 - C9 - P2: Ravenous Wolves.

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(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.

WORD FROM AUT: This whole chapter will be in Seiji's pov.


Cut to an Hour Later
Somewhere in a cozy and warm inn.

Hagakiri Riku(INT):
"We lost him, again."
"He must've recognized our presence entering the grounds, prompting him to make an escape."

Hagakiri Riku:
"Damn it!"

In the cozy confines of an inn where the six had resided at, Riku slammed her fist on the wooden table to mark her frustration after they all had seemingly lost Kade in his "escape".

Anyssa Mosatra:
"Well now what?"

Luna Emberscraw:
"Just hope he isn't too far away once I catch his scent."

Eira Morfiel:
"That's it?"
"We've been doing exactly that for almost a month or so."
"It's starting to become more of a liability than a useful tool–"

Luna Emberscraw:
"Oi, atleast I'm trying my best here."
"What the hell are you doing other than sitting around and criticizing the way I do things?"

Eira Morfiel:
"Uhh, 'The way YOU do things'? Please."
"We're all trying our best here too, so don't go around thinking you're the only one doing the work."

Alys Celastrina:
"Girls... please–"

Luna Emberscraw:
"If lazing around and b##ching is what you call your best performance in helping out, I would've called your father to do your job."
"Though I doubt that'd make any difference."

Anyssa Mosatra & Alys Celastrina:
"Oh no..."

Eira sprung up from her chair with a scowl on her face, triggered by Luna's provocative comment.

Eira Morfiel:
"The f##k you say, b##ch?!"

Luna too stood up, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her mouth as she eagerly egged Eira on, hoping to incite a fight.

Hagakiri Riku:
"You two, quit it! Now!"

Luna Emberscraw:
"C'mon then, Eri!"
"I've just been itching for a good fight!"

Shinoda Seiji:
"That's enough."

As Seiji entered the room, the two girls immediately fell silent, realizing he had a look that indicated he was fed up with their bickering. After closing the door behind him, Seiji set a platter of food and drinks on the wooden table.

He took a seat close to the window, choosing to dine alone and in silence. The girls took their seats around the table, the silence in the room palpable and awkward as they all began to eat their meal. It was not until Seiji finally spoke up that the awkward silence was broken.

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