Ch 8

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"So this is Lexcorp?"

Deadshot questioned as the others scaled the side of the tower. Lexcorp was a huge tower that stood out in the city, made of black stone and glass with green accents on it. The sign was styled with green neon lights and made itself know to all who's building this was. Boomerang appeared beside Deadshot with purple energy coming off him before it disappeared. Harley and Shark soon arrived as well, landing on the front porch of the building before them. The front door below was sealed tight with security measures in place, and the windows were Shark proof.

"I only saw this place on TV....." Deadshot hummed as he walked forward, Harley giving Shark a small kiss on his cheek before hopping off the giant humanoid and landing in a crouched position. Deadshot stared at the sliding doors before tilting his head. "......didn't think a fragile building like this would last a whole alien invasion."

"Hm, a surprise indeed." Shark hummed as he followed his squad mates forward, looking over the smashed plant pots and tables. "Perhaps Luther is of somewhat intelligence to keep his foundation safe."

Deadshot hummed as he and the others stopped in front of the sliding doors. As expected, they did not open. Shark smirked before making his way past them and placed his hands on the door before he tried to pull the doors open. The lock of the mechanical doors was ripped apart as the doors opened, Shark roaring in victory before a hail of bullets greeted him. Harley, Deadshot and Boomerang yelped before retreating away from the door and hiding behind the walls on either side. Shark roared as he slowly walked backwards away from the gunfire. His skin wasn't being pierced in the slightest, but that didn't mean the bullets didn't hurt him. Shark jumped away, falling on his chest as he laid beside Boomerang. The gunfire stopped and Harley leaned over to peek from behind her cover, only to retreat back to safety as bullets started to fire again.

"Well, Lex has some heavy artillery." Harley laughed with no joy as the bullets stopped firing. The bullets had made Shark of all people take a step back and run for cover, imagine what it could do to her or the other two humans. Harley shook her head as she debated the amount ammo the guns had stored, more than likely enough to last several weeks. Harley kicked a soda can into sight of the turrets and watched as it was reduced to atoms in a second. ".........we're screwed."

"M-Maybe we use Shark as a shield!" Boomerang joked as he looked down at the uninjured shark at his feet. The shark was starting to form bruises over his body as he let out a loud grunt. Boomerang shook his leg and kicked the prone shark. "C'mooooon Shark! Don't be such a drama Queen, take one for the team."

"If I was a Queen, Boomerang......." Shark grunted out as he looked up at the Australian with a pained expression. Shark let out a painful huff before slowly pushing himself up. "I'd still be better than you..."

"Damnit, focus people!" Deadshot told them as he stayed in his position beside Harley. No wonder they were called the suicide squad, these were bullshit ways to die. Deadshot held his chin as he tried to figure out how to proceed. There was no other entrance they could use, if they tried to destroy the turrets they'd have more holes than SpongeBob. "What if we—"

"It won't work."

The convicts quickly stepped away to the railing of the tower and looked up. Above them was the Dark Knight himself, arms crossed as he stared down at the convicts. The convicts returned the stare, Harley giving him a long wink before the dark knight got onto a knee and pulled out a small object from his belt. He folded it out until a hologram appeared with various letters and symbols appearing on the 'screen'. After a brief minute he folded the device and put it away before dropping down in front of the open doorway......without getting shot.

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