The Test - FxM - Part Two

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Woman gets edged, then tests possible idea of sexual torture. Friends with benefits.

Tw: Edging, teasing, praises

That was all they talked about it, then. Three weeks later, Isla wasn't sure how many times she'd edged to the memories of that night. The thoughts swirled together in her mind: Matt's fingers on her clit, his voice telling her no, and the thought of that product he was developing, the one that blocked your orgasms.

Her orgasms were a different matter; she knew exactly how many of them she'd had, carefully counted out and delayed as long as she could bear. She'd had three. One per week.

So when he finally texted her with the proposal, it was no wonder she said yes.

"There is an antidote for it, right?" she asked him.

"Of course. And it's all safe. We've done all those tests already. It's almost ready to go out on the market, but we just need to see the effects on some actual humans. If you come into the lab, my boss'll talk you through everything. You wouldn't be committing until you know exactly what it'd involve."

Isla hadn't cum for three days. She'd been dreaming about denial, about the drugs that would block her orgasms, and getting off on it every time. She offered to come to the lab the next morning.

Matt's boss was a woman, Professor Sams, probably forty-something, professional and brisk. Wearing a white lab coat, she took Isla through the whole procedure.

Six hours for the test. A break for food and fluids and to go to the bathroom every two, after which the next stage of the test would start.

The purpose of this testing was to check the limits of the orgasm blocker. Whether there was any way to break through it, or whether it would truly stop an orgasm, no matter how aroused the user became. For that purpose, Isla would be given one of their other products first, an arousal increaser.

"There are some side effects of that one," Professor Sams told her. "It causes a bit of brain fog and confusion. But don't worry. You'll never be alone, and we'll look after you. Users report that it isn't at all stressful--the opposite, in fact. It's very relaxing. You can just drift off and experience the physical sensations. And it's entirely temporary--the brain fog fades completely after about twenty-four hours."

If Isla had been less horny, she might have had more questions. But it all sounded so good. Six hours of intense arousal and edging. She'd done it for longer to herself. And Matt would be there, so nothing bad could happen to her. She trusted him completely. Of course, it would feel weird to have people watching her and recording it all. But she was too excited to care.

She signed the papers. She agreed the time of the test.

And that's how she got here.

She's strapped to a comfortable, padded bench, on an angle so she's prone, but her head is slightly higher than the rest of her. The restraints are for her safety, and to prevent any 'involuntary interference' in the test.

Her arms are in a spread-eagle position, cuffed at the wrist and elbow. Her legs are spread too, but her knees are lifted and secured somewhere above her. Additional straps at her waist and thighs hold her body down and her legs wide open.

She's fully naked. Her mind is a little misty, but she still feels alert. That's the arousal drug taking effect, she assumes. It must also be the arousal drug making her skin feel sensitive almost to the air, and making her pussy already--embarrassingly--wet. It's increasing every moment.

In front of her is a large mirror taking up almost the whole wall. She can see herself reflected in it, spread open and immobile. She knows its one-side, though. On the other side of it are Matt, the professor, and quite possibly others Isla hasn't met. To them, it's a window, giving them a full, close-up view of her.

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