words cut deeper than any blade

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TW: Contains a part of bullying. Might be disturbing to some readers.

The girl who was always silent;
The girl who always minded her own business;
The girl who sat in the last row with her books open in front of her;
The girl who didn't get involved in drama;
The girl who was okay with being by herself.
The nerd.
Perhaps that wasn't "cool" to them all,
So one day they decide to mess with her.
They call her out, "Hey, Ugly couch potato!"
She just laughs it off;
She pretends that it didn't hurt;
She gets back to her work.
But she sat there silently, staring at her book, thinking,
'Am I really that ugly?'
She goes home and is now scared to look at herself in the mirror.
She walks to the mirror, sighs, and meets eyes with the girl in front of her.
'Oh God, I am so ugly!'
And from the next moment,
The girl in the mirror was no longer her,
She was a new person,
Someone she had never met.


Note: Getting bullied is a horrible experience. And for some reason, no one really seems to take a serious action against the bullies.
If you're someone who's a victim of bullying, please reach out to people, and make sure as many people know about it.
And if you're a bully, I'm sorry, but shame on you!

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