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Charles Leclerc

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Charles Leclerc

The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I slowly wake from a restless sleep. Memories from the night before flood my mind, the events of the club still fresh in my memory like a vivid dream

I can't shake the image of Isabella's fiery gaze, her anger palpable as she confronted me in the midst of the pulsating lights and thumping bass or her body twisting gracefully to the music as I watched from above. The thought of her leaving with another man sent a confusing surge through me, a turbulent mix of conflicting emotions swirling within. Despite our rivalry and the tension that often crackled between us, the idea of her being with someone else stirred a disorienting blend of jealousy, uncertainty, and a nagging sense of loss

The taste of confusion lingers on my tongue as I replay our heated exchange, the harsh words exchanged between us still echoing in my mind. I can't shake the feeling that I've overstepped some invisible boundary, intruding into her life in a manner that feels foreign and unwelcome.

But as much as I try to rationalise my actions, I can't deny the underlying truth - I'm drawn to Isabella in a way I can't explain. There's something about her that ignites a spark within me, a fire the refuses to be extinguished no matter how hard I've tried to resist it all these years

I move to side of the bed, swinging my legs of the side, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavy on my shoulders. I know I need to talk to Isabella, to apologize for my behaviour. But the thought of facing her again fills me with a sense of dread, a fear of what she might say or how she might react

I'm torn away from my thoughts by a heavy knock at the door. Begrudgingly, I get up and walk over, opening it to reveal the only person I didn't expect to see

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