17. Sab'ata 'Ashar (P. 1)

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Part One

"So, her memory has returned?" Farhan rose from his seat, his eyes wide and his expression open in hope at Riyad's news. He hardly paid attention to the unconscious men laying at their feet as Kader worked to tie their arms and legs together, but even he paused at the news.

Riyad pressed his eyes closed as Amer continued stitching the skin beneath his hairline, suppressing his pain. "Just her voice."

"How did she get it back?" Kader asked.

"It is unfortunate that she still knows nothing about her past, but this is progress so I am thankful to God," Farhan continued in response to Riyad. "If her voice has returned then her memories are well on their way. How about you then? Are you feeling better now?"

Riyad nodded. "Alhamdullilah."

Farhan nodded. "Alhamdullilah. Their appearance does offer us a warning. If they've found our location then their other soldiers are no doubt soon to follow. We will discuss further steps tomorrow morning. For now, it's late, Riyad. You should get some rest until your injuries heals. Amer, can you take him up?"

Amer nodded, placing the stitching kit down and peeling open a bandage to place over the wound. "Just take painkillers tonight and tomorrow. I don't think it will cause you too much discomfort now that it's all stitched up." He extended an arm to Riyad.

With the younger boy's support, they both began their way up the apartment stairs. Even though Riyad assured Amer that he did not need support to walk up the steps, Amer refused to leave him. "You did not see how much blood was on your shirt when we found you guys. By God, I was terrified of your sight."

"You were afraid? After all the blood you've seen, Amer," Riyad chuckled, but the gesture tugged at the fresh stitches on his temple and he stopped himself. A wave of nausea rolled over him so Riyad paused, letting it dissipate before he dared move again.

Amer waited until they resumed walking to speak again. "I was not afraid of the blood, Riyad," he murmured as they reached the front door.

Riyad watched him place two courteous knocks on the wood. "What were you afraid of then?" He asked curiously, his eyes heavy.

"That you would succumb to it."

The answer made him pause in his mocking tone and the tired humor in Riyad's eyes slowly fell away as he watched the normally obnoxious boy. For some reason, he found that Amer looked younger today. It reminded him of how young the boy really was. Not even in his twenties yet.

"You are like my brother, Riyad. More than the others... you treat me as my brothers treated me before they...," he paused, completely avoiding Riyad's gaze when he spoke now. "By God, Riyad, do not let yourself be killed by those dogs. They are not worthy of blood as honorable as yours. I feel for you as I felt for my family, with great care."

Riyad smiled. "You love me, ya walad?"

"What?" Amer's eyes widened.

The reaction drew a laugh from him. This time, he continued to chuckle even with the discomfort that pulsed against his skull. Riyad reached forward to drop his hand on Amer's shoulder and shook him. "Say it, ya ami. It is our brotherhood and love for one another that has created The Resistance and will make us victors over the other side."

Amer averted his gaze and knocked on the door again, struck with an awkwardness at the idea of confronting such emotions. "Why isn't she answering?" He tapped his foot impatiently.

"I have a key."

"What? Why have you not used it?"

Riyad's smile remained present on his features as he stepped past the younger boy, sliding the key into its place. "Because I wanted to hear what my brother had to say, ya Amer."

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