"I couldn't afford that. I just couldn't. Fear gets you killed."

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Flint Burlin (D4) POV:
I impale the hologram zooming towards me, and it explodes into an bunch of orange cubes. Another one rushes to get an arrow onto it's bow before shooting.

I react immediately on instinct and I hurl my trident straight into the holograms chest, and it falls, but not before releasing a holographic arrow.

I quickly pick up that the shot was bad, and it was flying towards my left ear. I merely sidestep to the right, and watch as the arrow passes me.

The lights in the private room where I was working on my trident skills brighten, since that was the last one.

I gather all my tridents before exiting the room so another tribute could possibly get a chance to go.

I decide it would be best to scout our my competition, so I know what I am up against. In order to do that without being obvious - being obvious would be bad - I'm going to head over to the survival stations, although I know how to do everything front and back already thanks to my gianormous brain and my photographic memory.

I already memorized all the tributes names and their district of origin. Each alliance is also stuck into the back of my brain, which could help me point out some of the other tributes flaws.

Forrest Lucki from district three allied from that young girl from two. She's ought to have some sort of fighting skills, but she's quite small and doesn't look capable of murdering another human being. Forrest is constantly looking down on her, and leading her to stations where the careers and I aren't at, I guess to protect her. I can already visualize him sacrificing himself just for her sake. It's honestly kind of sweet, but in order to win the games you have to be sour, and make be capable of murdering other people, and making sacrifices.

I can also see Natalie Tetherous from my district's biggest flaw. Her ego's going to get her into trouble, I swear it. She's going to underestimate everyone, and one of these tributes - possibly myself - will give her a fight where she doesn't have the upper hand. The sad part is that Natalie won't even see it coming, it'll be like an earthquake - unpredictable and deadly.

I walk up to the plants and berries station, and identify a plant quickly once per minute to make things seem less suspicious as I watch the other tributes.

Amanda uses sai blades, Hugh uses a claws, Danger uses a sledgehammer, Forrest is working on a sword, Natalie's touching up on her axe welding. I suck all of that into my brain before deciding on a scale of 1-12 how good I think they are at it.

Amanda: 9
Hugh: 10
Danger: 10
Forrest: 7
Natalie: 10

I gazed upon Petunia who was hitting a dummy with throwing knives, and Ray who was ripping apart a dummy with his mace.
I also eye Tina armed with a scythe and Lilac with a blowgun. I cannot help but notice little Alicia, baton in hand.

I have no choice but to give these tributes scores as well.

Petunia: 9
Ray: 9
Tina: 9.5
Lilac: 7
Alicia: 6.5

Madeline from 3 is digging into a dummy she pinned to the ground with a dagger. She laughs manically as all the stuffing flows out and seems to only find excitement in entering the games. She seems creepy, manipulative, and she seems that she will hold back all feelings and do whatever it takes to win. She gives me a strange feeling I haven't ever felt before.

It's not love, so don't even begin on that. Its like I'm dreading an encounter with her, because I don't know if I would survive. I don't know how you'd describe it, but the only thing I can hear in my head is our president's motto 'fear conquers all'. Fear? Not a chance.

I could not be afraid of a menacing fifteen year old with a vengeance for blood. I couldn't look into those terrifying eyes and feel fear. I just couldn't. I couldn't afford that. I just couldn't. Fear would get you killed.

I stand up terrified at my own emotions. I walk out of the room, into the bathroom. I try and sort everything out in my head.

There's only one certain thought I have in my head. Madeline Brenden, you get an eleven.

Chrysanthemum Brennan (D5) POV:
Chrys. It's always been just Chrys. Chrysanthemum is a long and utterly confusing name that I've struggled spelling until I was 8.

Most kids know how to spell their name at about 3 or 4, maybe 5 for someone who's not as bright or a late bloomer. I was 8 years old, and it's not like I was stupid or anything.

I was a very smart child. I never failed to put two and two together and solve a mystery. Granted, they were not actual mysteries needed to be solved, but I was little and everything had confused me, just like everyone else.

I look up at my older sister Cynthia. I nicknamed her Cynth, because I didn't want to be the only one with a nickname. My nickname for her is kind of confidential, because I'm the only one that uses it really, with the exception of our close family sometimes.

Its not like I say people cant call her Cynth, they just don't.

Cynth has a pleased smile on her face. We had successfully created a fire. Granted, we used a flint and steel, but it was rumored the blood bath's backpacks will each have one except for a few, but there was supposto be A LOT of backpacks.

The Capitol probably wants things as bloody as possible, no starvation or dehydration allowed. Those deaths aren't exciting enough I suppose.

We decide to go arm ourselves with weapons, because we may as well be compatible with something if a lot of blood is going to be shed during these games.

I part away with Cynth as she heads to the machetes. I decide to go over to the station for a sickle.

I picked up the sickle, as the trainer walked over. The trainer was tall and lean and had a name tag that read Jerry.

Jerry, the trainer had his own sickle in hand, so he walked over to the dummy and sliced through it while explaining what he was doing.

Once Jerry had finally finished, he said, "alright you try."

I slowly approached the dummy, twisting the sickle in my hand. I followed each of Jerry's instructions, and before I knew it, there was a giant slice in it, revealing the stuffing inside.

"Perfect!" Jerry complimented. I smiled in reply, before holding up the sickle and slicing it again.
A/N: here you go, here's another chapter of my story! Which characters would you like for me to do more POVs on?

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