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They spent quite a while camping outside after that.

"You're recovered already?"

"Eek! Young Master, don't sneak up on me!"

"You wouldn't even notice if Hong charged at you while screaming, I don't think it's my fault."

"How did you know that happened?!"

"It did?"

Cale watched as South helped the group unload for the night. The knights went for night training, Ron and Vicross were preparing dinner, Hans was preparing Cale's tent— which left South to settle down all of the horses.

On and Hong were on South's shoulders and head, watching him work and sniffing the horses when they sniffed back curiously.

He still had the bandage on, but he seemed to be working perfectly fine.

"Of course I'm back to work, Young Master-nim," South said. "I can't sleep. I will go crazy if you make me sit down somewhere and stare at a wall. It would be torture." 

"Then be tortured," Cale responded, like it was obvious.

South ignored all that to say, "I rested a day young master-nim, that's plenty."

Cale wondered if he had to tell him that people usually rested for weeks to months after almost bleeding to death. Why was he treating this like a common cold? And even then, don't colds usually take people out for two days at least?

"He's funny," On said, from South's head. "When he falls asleep, he stays standing!"

"Even when we climb on him!" Hong added.

How do they manage to be the exact opposite of assuring with every word they say?


The Black Dragon had been dragging some rabbits to the campsite to leave for Cale— but there was usually Choi Han around, definitely noticing him (even though he was invisible! That's so rude) and he always just stared from afar like some creep.

The Black Dragon tried really hard to avoid him. So, looking around warily, he left the rabbits somewhere easy to spot, and then victoriously made his way away, turning invisible and—

—immediately tripped over something.

He spun around, ready to snarl— ah, it's a human. Sleeping among the hay. So misleading! Even the horses wouldn't sleep so sprawled out and in the way of everything.

He recognized this human. 

He was there when Cale saved him— his blood smelled the strongest even after they escaped the place, because he was injured. The dragon had only smelled his own blood for so long, suddenly being consumed by the smell of a weird human's blood was... kind of odd, to be honest.

The sleeping human no longer smelled heavily like blood now.

Frowning, the Black Dragon came closer to the sleeping human— was he even breathing? His breaths were shallow, and his body was still. Even when the dragon tripped over his foot and yelped, the human didn't stir.


He came even closer, until he'd scaled partially up the leather of his overalls, sniffing curiously. The human didn't smell like a dead body, and yet, he was cold.

It was like his body radiated icy air. It's rather nice, with the nights being as hot as it is.

The Black Dragon hated the cold air, nights alone in his cell were cold and breezy in the most frigid, uncomfortable ways— but now, this human's body was soothingly cold, like a lake, or a cold spot on the ground that would be perfect for a nap.

The Black Dragon looked up back and— ah.

He ended up looking straight into a pair of eyes, blinking confusedly at him.

He jerked upright, startled.

The sleeping human's awake!


South thought he was prepared for a lot of weird things by now. He had resigned himself to any surprises possible after Cale Henituse brought him along on this trip.

But waking up to a dragon getting comfortable on his chest was not anywhere on the bingo card.

The Black Dragon seemed just as surprised to be caught, too, and he jumped off so quickly South had to wince when he stepped far into his side with a joint.

It took three steps for the dragon to remember he could turn invisible, and the last two steps it took for him to get off South's body was just felt, not seen. And then there was a light breeze, so the dragon probably flew off as far as it could.

South couldn't help but think I already noticed you, why are you running?

It's like the dragon was desperate to pretend he didn't do... whatever that was.

"Okay," South threw his hands into the air in exasperation.

If the dragon wanted to pretend that didn't happen, then that's perfect. Nothing happened, just a weird dream, nothing to speak of. Absolutely. 

South laid right back down and let sleep take him again. He could already feel the sleep attack coming, so it didn't take long.


South stirred again, he didn't know how long after the other time, but it felt like no time at all. 

He didn't feel rested in the slightest, but his eyes were opening, and sleep was going away from him. He groaned. Some nights with his condition he would wake up like this and never get any sleep. He'll probably be sleeping a lot tomorrow.

He tried to get up, but stopped himself.

There was a weight on his chest.

He turned his gaze down and met a pair of blue eyes. Attached to a perfectly hug-sized, scaly dragon.

South's arms were folded across his chest this time, so the dragon rested his chin on top of his bandaged wrist, and it was rather nice and warm like that.

Finally acknowledged, the dragon quickly got up again, and this time he only took one step before hopping away and scurrying off into invisibility once again.

South blinked.

And blinked again.


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