Chapter 3 : The Last Adventure Part 1

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"[Hello? Hello?... Is the recording online...? It is? Good, is my voice crystal clear? No noises?... Alright, thank you gentlemen. Of course, the ladies too! Hahahaha... Haha...]"

There stood, on the Public Broadcast System, was a tired, but determined man being watched with utmost importance. He is being watched in every nook and cranny where a screen, a radio, a phone, or whatever piece of technology that a potato can power to receive messages. His face, if not only his voice, is being tuned with a desperation and worry of the populace. Hugging their children, hugging their pets, hugging their mates, hugging their friends, if not, the community they cherished or ignored, have now huddle up on hotspots where many people can receive a live message from the man. Everybody of the 2 billion people or so, is now watching the man's needed voice for what their next course of action is; "What happened to the Frigate guarding the planet?", "Where's the emergency response from Earth?", "Where's my friend/family?", "Why is the power out?", "What happen to StarNet?", and most importantly of all, "Are we going to be safe? Will help come?"

Though, despite those questions, almost all of them already know the answers. They just don't want to explicitly blurt it out. They want to accept the much more positive note as always, because there will always be a way. There always has been at the end of every tunnel, but they already know the answer to that hope either. They already know what will befallen upon the loneliest place on any Human territory. They definitely know that as nearly 7 months has passed, their options have withered. Their potential as a colony dwindling, and their time running out as the clock ticks.

Perhaps they already know that, hence why they are listening attentively to the man's word on live broadcast. They want an answer. An answer of a question they already know...

And the man's appearance of determination have gave them a good idea on what's their next objective.

No, that seems to be the wrong word for it. Their only objective, because it's the only one left.

"[Hello everyone, I'd like to partake a important message regarding on our next important course of action... Regarding of the current dire predicament Venture is in.]"

He took a short breath, probably to organise his thoughts as he continued his broadcast.

"[As you already know me, my name is Kishimura Honda, Prime Minister of the Conglomerate of the Kuiki Imperial Colony, now, Emergency Co-leader of the whole planet of Venture as a emergency response of a current crisis. Of course, as all of you are all up to date of that, and it is now 100% certain, that what we are fighting aren't just mere rebels or terrorist, or pirates. They are Aliens. Aliens of higher capabilities of combat prowess and technology. We may not know what they look like, as our folks at Base are still trying to find  that out. All we need for all you to know, is that they are nothing like any of the threats humanity have face... And unfortunately... We, as the frontline of that threat, will mostly likely not survive the holding.]"

A grim atmosphere loomed over the populace as a pause slipped out of the Prime Minister. Everyone have a lot of mixed responses; despair, apathy, defeat, and resignation. Everybody knows that the Aliens have reached Mars 2, and it would be only a matter of time before they reach Venture. It could be days or even a few hours, they don't know, as they don't have a grand idea how fast those Aliens are. It's to the point it's almost funny how they are literally just waiting for their end with a clock that tells them of a threat, they may or may not know is accurate with the details.

"[The Colony Frigate, USN Laffey, have successfully brought us enough time. It could be few days or weeks,  it doesn't matter, as every second matters in this! The Alien ships have took a dramatic slowdown of their route towards Venture, and base on the calculations by our team, it is estimated they would arrive in either 3-18 days. Depending on how much their repair systems are good enough from when the report was given... However, I'm pretty sure that's not the information all of you want, right?...]"

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