Valentines Day Special (SMUT) #2

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Disclaimer: This is my first time writing smut with a male bodied reader (the reader is in their male form in this chapter, the first threesome i wrote was in female reader). So sorry if it's not that good 🫶🏻

Event Chapter: How to Pleasure your Genderfluid Spouse Part 2

(Eldest name) - Name of your first son
(Second name) - Name of your second son
(Youngest name) - Name of your youngest daughter
Didi- younger brother


"My legs hurt..."

Your legs wobbled while walking on the path towards the grand avenue from the bathhouse, who wouldn't feel so tired after getting fucked out by two women at the same time?

It didn't help that you were carrying gifts that Ling Wen and Yushi Huang gave you after they made you cum fifteen times with their fingers and mouth alone.

"My fair lady, have this, it's a new herbal shampoo me and my Ox created with the herbs we grew"

"Your grace, this is a new comb i purchased from  the mortal world, its made from white jade"

After they fucked you out they took turns kissing your cheek and gave you their gifts. Both of them stayed at the bathhouse, while you went home after hearing the heaven bell ringing for three times. Ringing three times indicates that it's already 6 pm

Although they haven't admitted it infront of everyone, both Ling Wen and the rain master held affection towards you during your traveler days. Knowing your status, they kept it to themselves to avoid unnecessary scandals.

When they knew that your husbands were fine with you doing sex with women in your female form, they were elated. Ecstatic to hear they atleast have a chance.

But it's against the traditional rule to take in assigned female at birth concubines, they can turn into the opposite gender yes, but they were women at birth, so your relationship with them is more like a "friends with benefits" instead of concubines

Ling Wen and Yushi Huang helped you get up from the bathtub, and dressed you up in the cloud brocade Ling Wen gave you as a gift. It smelled like roses and chocolate, which sets the mood for valentines day.

They didn't just neglect you after sex, they did aftercare. Yushi Huang and Ling Wen both have similarities and differences, both are introverted and stoic, but Yushi Huang shows more emotion than Ling Wen with her usual poker face. And yet these two women go on their knees with elated smiles for you.

Arriving at Xianle Palace, you put down your objects and knocked on the door twice before opening it yelling "I'm home!"

To your surprise, it was silent but the atmosphere is a clear sign your husbands were there but didn't reply

"Ugh, the gifts are so heavy...Hmph!"

You pulled yourself (legs) together and carried the box with one hand, using your free hand to shut the door tight then continued walking on the main hall.

Ever since you married these two, Xianle Palace had alot of upgrades. Remember Hua Cheng's manor randomly teleporting you to different places just by rolling a dice wrong? That's happening in Xie Lian's palace, except it's not by a dice, but by Xie Lian's will.

Xie Lian has the power to let someone through his palace but if it's an intruder, with a snap of his fingers, the same floor the intruder is standing on would be wide open, sending them to who knows where, he decides where he sends them.

He was watching you through Hua Cheng's silver butterfly, and so with a snap, the floor you almost stepped on, was wide open, and since you were too busy balancing yourself with wobbly legs, you didn't notice the pit and fell into darkness.

Heaven's Unholy ✧ Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) x Genderfluid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now