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"Hey, do you guys have any beers?" I ask the closest group of guys. They are all wearing Michigan Basketball hoodies so I'm assuming they're on the team, unless they are just really big fans.

"Of course. Are you here to have a shotgun challenge?" The tallest one of the small group asks.

"It depends are you ready to be beaten?" I ask smirking.

"I love your ambition, but I'm the reigning champ."

"Then let's see what you got champ." I stick my hand out for them to pass me a beer, and they do. I grab a knife one of the boys handed me and pop the side of the can.

"On 3!" One of the boys declares, "One... two... three!"

I chug as fast as I can. It doesn't take me long I soon crumble up my can and look to see the boy in front of me just finished.

"I beat you. You owe me."

"What do I owe you?" He questions.

"I don't know. But I think prizes when I win something." I joke.

"You get my dignity and unlimited bragging rights." He jokes back. I walk towards him until our toes are touching.

"I like something else." He raises an eyebrow before fixing his posture and standing up straighter.

"Like what?" He asks nervously.

"What do you have to offer?" Before the boy in front of me had time to answer I was lifted off of my feet. I look down at their feet to realize it was Luke who picked me up. What is he doing?

"It's rude to leave in the middle of a conversation. Put me down." I slur, but I don't fight his touch, I let him carry me.

"You were about to regret your next move."

"What how I regret meeting you?"

"I was told to come get you. Don't blame me." He defends.

"Who told you to come get me?" I question.

"Who do you think? Daphne. We were about to start walking in, the gates just opened." He says calmly. We soon arrive to our friends but he doesn't put me down, and I realize his girl friend is gone.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I ask stupidly. Maybe it's the tiny bit of alcohol in my system, but I think I would have asked that question either way.

"What girlfriend?" He asks sounding completely confused.

"The girl you came in here with." I ask sourly.

"Jenna? That's my cousin. I told her I would come in with her and wait with her til she found her friends." He states.

"Oh." I choke out. "You know you can put me down now."

"You'll run away. Can't take that chance."

"I think you just like carrying me around." I joke.

We begin to walk inside the stadium. I'm still slung over Luke's shoulder and he's just casually talking to Ethan like he doesn't have a girl over his shoulder. Shouldn't he be worried that this will scare away the potential prospects? I glance past Ethan to make eye contact with Daphne and she practically chokes on air trying not to laugh. I mouth "you suck." At her and she just shrugs her shoulders.

We finally take a seat at the 3rd row of bleachers when Luke finally puts me down. People begin to crowd us but I'm forced to sit next to him and a random person, since Daphne is on the complete other side as me.

"You're right." Luke turns to me and says. I have no clue what he's talking about so I raise an eyebrow to indicate my confusion.

"What?" I sound dumbfounded. Did I miss something I said?

"I do just like carrying you around." He breaks eye contact and looks forward. My mouth drops and I break my glare from him too. I feel like that was something a guy that likes me would say.

The game starts and people begin to stand on the bleachers. I can't see over the 6'0 giant in front of me and I am desperately searching for a view of the game. I glance at Luke who is already staring at me and he gives me a knowing smile and a head nod to get on his back. Except instead of turning around so I can hop on his back, he casually just picks me up from the armpits and throws me onto his shoulders.

"You do this often?" I asked stunned.

"Do what often?" He asks back acting like nothing just happened.

"Toss girls onto your shoulders."

"Only pretty blondes named Georgia Jones." He replies calmly. I'm dying inside by his answer. My who body tenses, which is probably bad considering I'm on his shoulders and he can feel it.

Michigan wins 34-27. As we head out I tap Luke's head to let him know he can put me down, but he doesn't. He waits til we are completely out of the stadium. And even then it's like he's shielding my body from something.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Didn't want you to get trampled by people."

"I'm talking about right now?" I giggle. His two hands are on my shoulders, and I'm closer than normal, and his body tenses every time a person passes.

"Just making sure you don't die out here. It's your first Michigan game right?" I nod answering his question. He lets go of my shoulders and we trail behind Daphne and Ethan who are a few yards ahead of us.

"Ever been to a hockey game?" He asks.

"Never. I don't know anything about hockey." I laugh.

"I could teach you."

"That would be nice." I look up at him and send him a soft smile.

Once we arrive back to our apartment and shut the door Daphne immediately starts questioning me.

"So you and Luke are back on? You know I got photos of you guys together. Seemed pretty coupley to me."

"First off 'coupley' isn't a word. Second off send me those photos, third off we were never something that was on in the first place. I don't know what we are. But he made it seem like he liked me."

"Are you kidding? He's crazy about you! He was telling Ethan that he didn't know why you ghosted him." She tells me.

"I did not ghost him." I defend myself. "I thought he was out with some other girl!"

"Why would it matter if you guys aren't anything?" She says it so calmly it pisses me off.

"Shut up. I'm getting a shower." I turn and begin to head to our room to get my clothes.

"Oh, good! Cause Ethan and Luke are coming over for a movie tonight!" My head snaps back so fast I almost break it.

"What!" I shout in complete horror.

"Be fast, I have to get a shower too." She just smiles I turn back around and rush into my room. Damn you Daphne!

Sorry it took so long to update! Super busy with school! Hoped you enjoy this chapter, love you all!

Michigan- Luke HughesWhere stories live. Discover now