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I didn't expect to be up and getting ready for school. I'm freshly showered  and waiting for my toast to pop. My mum isn't home. I drift around the house before ringing Bella and asking her if she wants a personal chauffeur. Of course she does. Lazy bitch.

I leave early to get her and speed down the roads, humming along to my music. I screech the car to  a stop outside Bella's house and lean on the horn until she's safely in the passengers seat. 

'I've missed you, cunt' Bella throws her arms around me and laughs into my shoulder. I laugh with her and squeeze her so tight her laughing makes her almost choke. She releases me from her claw clip grip and instantly steals the aux cable, putting on her own music, which I suppose is acceptable. We listen to Frank Ocean on the way and the windows are rolled down, like the movies.

Finally pulling up at school, I'm unsure of my next move. I know I have English first, which is the only reason I came in. If I see Mels, I can continue the day just fine, I hope. We're slightly early, walking through the hallways I feel like eyes are on me. Bella hooks her arm with mine which comforts me. We walk interlinked towards my form room and sit in here for a while, until the time hits 8:50. Bella scurries off to her form and tells me to meet her outside after. 

Form rolls on and finally it's done and we can go. I stand by Bella's form and wait for her. She comes bundling out, holding every book she's ever owned in her arms.

'What the fuck are you doing Bells?'

'I was just reorganising my bag and that troll Mr Lynch kicked me out because he has a lesson next'

I simply laugh and take a few books off of her, allowing her to calm the ocd brain. She neatly puts everything back and then takes the remaining ones out of my hands. We then walk, nice and organised, to room 7. 

Her scent hits me first. I feel like a crazy person, having a crush on a teacher. I know her scent. I hold it in my head for as long as I can. I know her scent. My heart beats a little faster as we get closer. 

Bella swings the door open to a sour faced Miss McDonald, who looks up from her phone at snails pace and sees me standing in the corridor. A smile jumps onto her face quickly, but she hides it and scratches her jaw. 

'Look what the cat dragged in. Morning Lily.' She said with a straight face.

'Morning sunshine' I played with her slightly, watching her mouth twist from a tiny smirk back into a stern look.

I took my seat as the class filled up and we started learning. I watch Melissa with butterflies fluttering around in my chest. She floats so effortlessly around the room, enchanting me with her movements. I watch her green gaze scan the room, choosing someone to answer the next question. Her gaze lands on me, her face wears a mischievous smirk.

'Lily, you answer this one!'

'What's the question?' I nudge Bella who just stifles a laugh behind her hair.

'Bitch' I mutter under my breath

'Sorry what was that Miss Rimble?' Melissa's face was tight and looked annoyed.

'Oh, nothing Miss, what was the question?' I ask proudly

'What is the meaning of the word infatuation?' She raises a eyebrow out of interest.

'The meaning of infatuation is having an almost obsessive amount of interest in someone or something.' I throw back at her easily, because I have been listening. (mostly)

She nods with an impressed eyebrow raise. I know it may look like everyone else has one facial expression with their eyebrows, but Melissa's have millions of meanings. She has an eyebrow raise for every occasion. The lesson drags on and she leaves me alone for the remainder, and then it's over. I'm about to leave before she calls me over to her desk, and dismisses everyone else, even Bella. 

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