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      Seeing as I had my full strength back, Bill insisted that he duct tape my mouth as we head out to the car. Their grandpa had already fallen asleep and was snoring loudly. He had a happy, content look on his face that would make any caring soul happy. We walked down the stairs and to the car. The moment the door was opened, armed FBI agents appeared from behind the building, pointing guns at us. "Freeze!" They shouted. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" Yelled an agent that was leading the group. Joe and Connor did what they were told, but in a split second Bill grabbed my arm and held his gun to my temple. "Don't come any closer or I'll shoot!" He shouted. He sounded determined, but I could sense a quiver of fear in his voice. It happened so fast that I didn't have time to react. Now it was settling on me that I had a gun pointed to my head, and panic set in. I didn't dare try to move.
Everyone stood in a thick cloud of tension, not sure of what to do. Suddenly, the nurse that was at their grandfather's bedside burst through the back door. "Your grandfather-" she stopped upon seeing the scene in front of her. "My grandfather what?" Bill barked out. Seeing the gun in his hand, she continued. "Your g-grandfather is d-d-dead." After she finished, two of the agents quickly moved to stand in front of her, guns in hand, to protect her. "No!" Bill bellowed. "After everything we did?" Tears began to pour down his angered face. "No!" His grip on me loosened slightly and I decided to make my move. But before I could pull away Bill slammed me to the ground. I moaned in pain, my head had hit the ground, and I was starting to loose consciousness. I lay on the cement, hands and mouth duct taped. I vaguely saw Bill pointing the gun at me with his face red and tears streaming down his cheeks. I closed my eyes, partially from fear and also the injury to my head. Then a shot rang out. Was I shot? Was I dead? I opened my eyes. Bill's gun was smoking, still pointed at me. He had shot. Why didn't I feel anything? I sat up some more. Two feet away from me, Connor lay limp on the ground. Blood was pouring down the slanted drive, away from him. The FBI officers rushed over and pried the gun out of Bill's hand, and handcuffed him. Bill and Joe were taken away. I started to try and crawl over to Connor. He must have jumped in front of me to protect me. Before I could get near, someone lifted me off the ground. They took the tape off me, and I tried to get to Connor but the paramedics were loading him into an ambulance and I was being laid onto a stretcher.

Accidentally Kidnapped Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon