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A/N: Words- 1,542

Haneul's POV

It was a 16 hour flight, I should have gotten there at 9 pm that night but we took a break for the night. So instead I got there at 8 am on a Wednesday morning. Once the plane landed, I got out of the plane. I landed twenty minutes away from the Royal Palace, I was the only one there, so I dragged my suitcases up in one of the carriages. Someone picked me up, which I'm thankful for.
I'm quite nervous to meet the royal family. I have heard the horror stories about King Arlyn. Now, with all the horror stories, I have heard such good stories about Queen Aerith and Prince Caesar. Plus I have heard that the Prince is hot and attractive, which I hope is false because it's going to be hard to work and focus when I'm supposed to protect a hot and attractive guy.
It was about a thirty minute trip to get to the Palace. I was watching out of the window of the carriages, thinking about how I am going to succeed in my mission. When I get to the Palace, I see the King, Queen, and the Prince. Holy fuck, the rumors are true. He's definitely one of the most attractive people ever. I'm so screwed, hopefully physically.
When the buggy comes to a stop, some random guy opens the door and holds it out for me like I'm royalty. I guess I am royalty, in Korea at least I am. I also guess I am going to be royalty for the remaining time of my mission, and ignore the fact I am royalty and they don't know that, but still. I'm nervous about getting close to the person I'm sent to kill.
I started to walk towards King Aelyn, Queen Aerith, and Prince Caesar, and bowed to all three. I introduced myself, even though they knew who I was, just out of respect.
"I'll show you around the grounds." Prince Caesar said, walking towards me. "You ready?"
I nod my head and I follow after him. We walk side by side, getting to know each other a little bit more. I noticed up close, that he has a faint scar on his nose and a bunch of freckles. His freckles, and his scar on his nose isn't noticeable unless you're close up. They make him a little bit handsome. Caesar's blonde hair is ruffled and curly, but also kept very well. Prince Caesar is extremely handsome if I say so myself.
As we walked around the grounds, he was pointing out where everything was. I had a gun on my waist, hidden, and two daggers hidden in my socks too. I take notice of how grand the palace is, it weirdly enough reminds me of home. I have no clue why it reminds me of that, and I'm not happy. Not a bit. Once the tour was done, the last place he showed me was the stables. He looked over at me, and smiled. I smile back out of respect, and because he is cute.
"Horseback riding?" Caesar asked me, and I nodded my head.
"Okay. Wonderful then! You can pick which horse you want to ride out of the two. Pear and Blazer are my horses, I don't care which one you ride. Pear is the black and white one, and Blazer is the brown one. Pear is a mare, and Blazer is a stallion. I'll get a stablehand to get the horses ready." Prince Caesar says, and gets a stablehand to get the horses ready.
"If it's okay with you, I would like to ride Pear. She reminds me a lot of the horse I had back home." I smiled and looked at the Prince.
"Of course that's okay. I told you that you can pick the horse. I'll ride a Blazer." Caesar said and he walked over to Blazer.
"Tell me about the horse you had back home that reminds you of Pear. Please." The Prince says, smiling up at me showing his dimples.
"Well, my horse's name was Blue, she was a wonderful girl. She wasn't afraid of anything, and very easy to train. She passed away from old age four years ago." I say quietly and get one Pear, once the Prince got on his horse.
I look over at him, and smirk. As we get out of the barn and I finally look over to him, right before he's about to say something. "You go first."
"Thanks. Um thank you for telling me about Blue. I appreciate it. I know you're gonna end up being side by side with me, and I wouldn't like this to be awkward at all. I want us to feel comfortable with each other. Just in case something happens." Prince Caesar says.
"That makes sense. Nothing bad will happen on my watch. I promise. No problem. Also, you think you can keep up with me, your royal highness?" I teasingly say.
Caesar just chuckled, "Of course I can keep up with you. And please. Call me Caesar." The prince exclaims and he makes Blazer gallop.
I chuckle and make Pear gallop to where the trees appear to show at the start of the woods. When we get there, I make Pear stop to wait for Blazer and for Caesar.
"You couldn't keep up with me Caesar. Since you know the area better than me, can you lead?" I asked.
"I wanted you to think that you could beat me. Next time, I can easily win. We can ride side by side." Caesar responds cockily.
I nod my head, and hide a smile. He gets in front of me and I move Pear to walk next to him. We talked for hours and hours. We talked about each other, getting to know eachother better. Being totally honest, I'm glad that I was told this was my mission. I make a mental note of all the things Caesar told me about himself. I plan on writing all of the important stuff when I get back to my room, and I finish unpacking all of my stuff.
Once we finished going horseback riding, we went back to the stable and headed back our separate ways. We went back to our castle. I make my way to my bedroom, and start to unpack everything. I found out that Caesar has blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. The prince also has a bad relationship with his father much like mine. I don't think his father is abusive, like mine was, but still. The way his eyes shake and become small whenever his father is around.
I slowly start to unpack everything, putting everything how I like it to be. Once I unpacked everything, and my room is as close to home as it can be, I sit down on my bed. I then abruptly sit up, rushing over to grab my journal and pen. I sit down at my desk, and dip my pen into its ink pad. I put my pen onto my paper, and just stare at the empty papers.
I start to second guess what I'm supposed to do. I see myself in Caesar, and I don't know what to do. I can't kill him. He opened up to me, and I did too. Well kinda. Not really. Okay, maybe I can kill Prince Caesar. If I believe in myself, I can do it.
It's April 17th, 1833, and it's a Wednesday morning. I'm all alone, relaxed of the quietness in my quarters. My journal lies open, begging to be used and written. All of my thoughts, disappearing from my mind. I know what I have to do, write about Caesar, but I can't. My grandfather's orders linger in my mind, repeating itself over and over. I have to eliminate the prince, to stop the war. Yea, he's cute. I don't care. There is no passion behind us, my heart doesn't desire him. I just met him today. So why is he a mark, a name on a page, and a face in a crowd that I have to seek out. My heart yearns for him, it screams out his name.
Why does my heart yearn for him? I barely know anything about that man. Well not enough to actually have a crush on him. Why does my heart make these decisions, when it's not safe for me? I can not afford to feel things, not until the war is over. Even then, I can't afford to feel things. It's not safe for people like me to love people.
I finally put my thoughts into words, onto papers. I keep writing about his personality, how his eyes sparkle whenever he talks about something he likes. Whenever he gets anxious or worried, he fiddles with his cuffs on his sleeves. He loves physical affection, but hates seeking it. Caesar would rather suffer in silence, then be comforted. A lot like me. I despise the fact he reminds me so much of myself.
I push down my feelings about everything. I can't afford to have sentimental feelings or values in my heart. I'm an assassin, we aren't allowed to feel things unless it's hatred.

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