° The Snap °

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Hello avengers now you are going to react to THE SNAP

"The Snap?" Asked Peter

Yes The Snap, it takes place a few moments after Thanos snaps his fingers..


"Where'd he go?" Steve asked as he arrived, "Thor. Where'd he go?" Thor looked ashamed and guilty. 

"Steve?" Steve looked over to see Bucky, whose human hand seemed to be disintegrating. 

"What's happening to him?" Asked Clint

Then his gun fell to the ground, and he turned to dust.

Steve paled in shock. He couldn't believe it. He had just gotten Bucky back and was going to lose him again. Steve shook his head, not able to process it. 

Bucky just sat there quietly in shock he was watching his own death.

Steve walked to the spot Bucky had been at and, kneeling, touched it as Thor looked around in guilt.

Wakandan soldiers turned to dust all around as M'Baku (i think that's his name)  watched in horror.

Up, General. Up!" T'Challa helped Okoye up, "This is no place to die." 

Then he turned to dust as she watched in horror. 

"I am Groot," Groot said sadly and turned to dust as Rocket watched in pained sadness. 

"Oh... No, no, no!" He cried out as he walked towards Groot just as he fully disintegrated, "Groot! No."

 Wanda, still crouching over Vision's body, turned to dust.

 Vision was horrified but Wanda was slightly relived, she was back with her mom, dad, Pietro and Vision.

Okoye looked like she was going to cry as Sam struggled to get up while Rhodes called out, "Sam! Sam, where you at?" And then Sam turned to dust before he could reply.

Sam just stared at the screen without blinking, more worried for his family. Was his sister alive? What about his nephews?

On Titan, everybody struggled to get back up as Peter helped Tony, who had used the remaining nanites to stitch his wounds.

"Something's happening." Mantis then said and disintegrated in Quill's arm. 

They looked at where she stood, shocked.

Quill turned to Drax, who called out, "Quill?" And then he turned to dust too.

"Steady, Quill." Tony then said to Quill.

"Oh, man," Quill said as he turned to dust too.

"I just realised that half of the entire universe is dying, but no one would probably have any idea what would be happening," said peter causing everyone to pale at the thought.

"Tony." Tony turned to look at Strange.

 "There was no other way." 


And then, he turned to dust as well.

"Mr Stark?"

"No" Tony said

Peter staggered forwards, "I don't feel so good."

 "You're all right," Tony said.

"I don't... I don't know what's happening. I don't know..." Peter tumbled into Tony's arms, hugging him desperately.

"No not the kid" said Tony while slightly crying.

 Clint and Scott palled at the thought of their kids during.

"I don't want to go."

Peter sobbed as dust formed around him, "I don't want to go, sir. Please. Please, I don't want to go.

I don't want to go."

They collapsed as Peter lay on the ground, and Tony looked over at him.

Wanda was horrified Peter was just a kid after all.

Peter looked Tony in the eye, "I'm sorry."

And then he looked away and turned to dust too.

Peter was numb and was worried about his aunt, too. Was she okay? What about Ned, MJ, or any of his classmates?

Tony fell forward, clutching at the dust in horror and grief.

"He did it." Nebula said as Tony shook his head sadly, feeling hollow and defeated. 

Everyone was crying at this point.

At Wakanda, Steve turned over Vision's body as Natasha ran over, her hand on her stomach. 

Thor stood there in guilt as Rocket sat on a log and looked down sadly, and Bruce stood there too, numb while Rhodes walked over.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" He asked as Steve collapsed, feeling hollow and defeated.

After several moments of silence, he said, "Oh, God."

Everyone closed their eyes sadly, tears streaming down their faces, the total weight of their loss pressing down on them. They had lost


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