<>• Chapter 1 •<>

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"Shine Starlock"

"And so, after an amazing move the Queen performed, the Dark Queen of Lecharia is no more..." The class whoa-ed and the teacher pointed to a drawing of a jewel on the board.

"Queen Kirria used this kind of Jewel, which can only be found in the depths of Crystine..."

As the Teacher speaks in front, each student has their ears open and mind wide. Except.... One. Long blonde hair scattered by her desk, her head lay low. She's sleeping.

A student from the back row saw this and silently ripped a page from her notebook. She threw a ball of paper and The girl's head flew up! She screamed!


The class was silent, the teacher slowly looked to her direction and raised one brow. "...Pardon?"

She looked left and right, each student looking at her with round and wide eyes.

"Miss Starlock, do you have any questions?"

She studied the board and tried looking for an excuse. "What... What happened to the sword? She split them into two, what happened next?"

The teacher shrugged "Shine, that's for another lesson, but I'll explain anyway...'' She glided the chalk over the board, drawing a shield around the sword.

"... Her sword vanished after a sacrifice she made later that battle, no one knew what the sacrifice was. But there is a proven legend; that Kirria's Sword will appear before the rightful owner of the throne."

She smiled and pointed to every student in the classroom. "Who knows, it can be any of you one day..."

Another student raised a hand. "Miss! Does the sword only appear before the royal family?"

The teacher flapped a few pages of her thick and heavy history book. "...Mostly, but not all of them came from Royalty. Usually the true descendants of Kirria receive them. Some were generals, some were mages and some were great Kings and Queens..."

The student nodded. "Okay, thank you miss!"

"And Starlock!" The teacher called.

Shine snapped out of it. "Oh! Yes?"

"Next time just raise your hand when you have questions, don't yell at my class."

Later that day, Shine stood under an oak tree watching her friend laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You should've seen your face when she turned to you!!!"

"Stop it Li, it's not funny. I was tired last night..."

Lilac Avena, the person who threw the ball of paper to wake her earlier. She wiped two fat tears off her eyes and calmed. "Ahhhhh, alright, alright. You gotta stop sleeping at class or else you're gonna miss a lot"

Shine shrugged and sat beside her, twiddling at her neck tie. "What's there to miss? We're gonna graduate in like... a week?--" Lilac suddenly jumped.

"-SHINE!!! ARE YOU FORGETTING??!" Shine startled, "what..?"

"The graduation is not next week!! It's tomorrow!"

Shine was dumbfounded... "huh?"

Lilac chuckled. "Isn't that the reason why class was dismissed early, and the school's full of decorations?"

Shine scratched her cheek. "Oh." How could she be this careless?

Lilac hopped and jogged her legs, "Right!! What do you plan to do after you Graduate?!"

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