teach me

402 26 4

I just want to be wherever you are
I just want to know you're there
I just want to see whatever you see
Cause I know you're not too shy to share

៚ • twenty five
៚ • bronx, ny
៚ • 4pm
៚ • samaria bryant


"JALIYAAA!!!" I exclaimed as we hugged.

"I feel like it's been forever." She said as we rocked back and forth.

"It doessss." I replied, before pulling back.

"Bryson why you been keeping my friend hostage?" Jaliya asked Bryson who was standing behind me.

"Whatchu mean? She be with you every day of the week, during and after school."

"Okay but likeee when you be there at lunch ya be whispering and shit."

"We don't whisper." I replied.

"Yes, you guys be in your own little world talking low. And that's taking away from me and Samaria time."

"You'll be aii," he replied before heading upstairs with the food.

"Sooooo..." she said once he was gone.

"Sooooo what?"

"I know y'all resolved everything in Jamaica and that you're closer now. But you haven't given me any details on like if you guys admitted your feelings, or kissed foreal or dating."

"All you need to know is that we're closer now."

"Come on Samaria."

"There's nothing else to say."

"But I want detailssss."

"Bryson and I agreed that most of what happens between us is gonna be kept private between us. I've also been enjoying not having people in my business. You know I love you Jaliya; but having something private where no one is in your business is nice."

"I mean, you and Bryson's business is between you both. But I just feel a little toooo out of the loop."

"Everyone is out the loop except for our very close family. So don't think you're just the odd one out."

"Ughh I just wanna know what's going on."

"You just wanna be in people business."

"Correction, your business."

"And I already told you enough." I said squeezing her cheek.

"Ughhhh you boringgg, but I respect it. Anyways, let's go upstairs to Jalani and them." She held my hand before pulling me upstairs.

When we walked into her movie room, all the boys were arguing over something regarding basketball teams.

I was oblivious to what they were saying.

While I know all the working of basketball due to being at Bryson's games since we were younger, all the basketball teams and their success was a different story.

"Hello let's pack it up, I'm tryna turn on this movie." Jaliya clapped to get their attention and they turned to us.

"Yo we got bigger things to worry about." Jalani replied before they went back to arguing.

"Did I just get disrespected in my own home?!?!" Jaliya stood dumbfounded by the whole situation.

I rolled my eyes before Jaliya and I walked out the movie room and into her room.

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