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(7 years old)

     I rushed to get my bag ready after the school bell rung for end of day. As I walked outside with my teacher and the rest of my peers, I spotted Jay in the distance standing at his truck waiting. I instantly ran to him and jumped in his arms. He picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

     "Hey munchkin, how 'bout we say we go home and have a movie night with Will?" He asked me.

     "MOVIE NIGHT!!" I yelled. Jay laughed and buckled me into my car seat.

Jay got into the drivers seat and drove off. We drove to the dollar store and parked the truck. Jay came around and got me out. We went through every isle picking out the best treats to have tonight during the movie. Will doesn't normally want me to have this much candy or chocolate, but he makes an exception once a month for movie nights.

Once we got all of our stuff picked out we went to the register and payed. I then skipped my way through the parking lot and all the way back to the truck where Jay buckled me back in. We drove away and headed for the apartments. As we arrived Jay got the snacks and I jumped out of the truck by myself.

I ran up the hallway to the elevator and we went slowly up the many floors reaching our own. As soon as we got to floor four, I ran out of the elevator and to the end of the hall where our apartment was. I opened the door and ran around trying to find Will.

"Will, Will, Will?" I chanted.

"What, what, what?" He asked me chuckling and smiling. He grabbed ahold of me and threw me in the air catching me as I came down.

"It's movie night!!!" I yelled and both of my big brothers laughed at me.

"We have to eat supper first." Jay told me. I pouted and went and sat down on the chairs at the table.

Jay got me a plate with chicken nuggets and waffle fries. Will brought the bottle of ketchup over and gave me some to dip. I ate along with Will and Jay, speed eating so I could get to watching movies and eating candy with my brothers.

"Slow down, you'll get the hiccups." Will told me. And if as on cue I got a hiccup.

I hiccuped for about ten minutes while I waited impatiently for my brothers to finish eating. I was still hiccuping so Jay went over to the sink and filled a glass with cold water. Will grabbed me and held me upside down for a second while I sipped a straw and drank the cold water Jay held for me. After I drank that I waited a minute and my hiccups were gone. It was a little trick mom used to use whenever Jay and Will had the hiccups, so they started using it for me.

I ran over to the couch and we put on the a movie. We started watching Inside Out, and I lied into Jay. The first movie finished and we had time for one more movie. Jay got up and went and got the chips and chocolate, dumping them in bowls and placing them onto the coffee table in front of us.

"What movie do you wanna watch. But right after it's bedtime ok?" Will asked me with the remote in his hand, scrolling through Netflix.

"I don't know. You pick a random one." I said to them.

"What about that show?" Jay asked Will, pointing at the tv screen.

"Coraline? I don't know, I've heard about kids getting constant nightmare's from this show." Will said.

"She'll be fine, shes a big girl, right?"Jay asked smiling at me.

"Ya Will, I'm a big girl." I said jumping on the couch.

"Ok, but if she's up tonight, she's your problem." Will said while clicking on the movie.

As we watched the movie it kind of gave me the creeps. I was getting weirded out by it but I was starting to get scared. I of course wasn't going to tell my brothers, I had told them I was old enough. I made it seem like I was tired so I didn't have to watch anymore or get scared.

Slowly I started to actually fall asleep against Will and felt someone carry me to my room. They lied me in my bed and covered me up feeling two kisses to the forehead. I slowly drifted off into my dream sate.


     I was walking in a room holding Will's hand. As we walked it was dark and he turned on the light. I noticed it was my bedroom. He tucked me in, but I didn't want to go to bed, so I started running around the room. I eventually opened my door and exited the room into the kitchen.

     I ran around giggling until I felt someone picking me up. I saw Jay and he smiled at me. He started tickling me and hung me upside down. I couldn't stop laughing.

     "It's time for bed kiddo." He told me.

     "But I don't wanna go to bed." I argued.

      "Too bad let's go." He said carrying me to my room. We got to my room and I didn't see Will.

     "Where is Will?" I asked Jay.

     "I don't know let's take a look around." He told me and we looked around.

     I turned around for one second and saw Will facing my wall. I went over to him and looked at him. I screeched when I saw a red headed man with buttons as eyes. I called for Jays name then turned around and saw him. He looked up at me and he too had button eyes. I screamed again and started to run away, into the darkness.

     "Jay?" I mumbled in my sleep. "No!" I yelled loud this time.

      I woke up with tears in my eyes. I got terrified, so I got out of bed. Before I could leave the room someone opened my door and I screamed. Then another figure came in until I finally noticed it was my brothers. I started to cry a little bit until they hugged me. I hugged them back when I noticed they didn't have button eyes.

     "What's wrong Bri?" Jay asked me in a whisper.

     "I had a bad dream." I cried.

     "Told you." My red headed brother said.

     "Ya, ya." Jay said brushing it off.

     "She's all yours. I have shift in the morning." Will said and walked out of my room and to his own.

     "C'mon, you wanna come sleep with me tonight?" Jay asked me. I nodded with a tear stained face as he wiped them with his thumbs. "Let's go. Grab your stuff."

     "Ok." I said.

     I grabbed my blanket and a couple stuffy's. I grabbed Jays hand and we went into his room and he tucked me in. He lied right beside me, and I lied my head on his arm. Playing around with my hair I slowly drifted off into sleep. Knowing I was now much safer with my brother, not having another nightmare that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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