Chapter 5

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There was some traffic during the end of the workday. When Huo YanXiao arrived home, Nie AnAn had already finished making three dishes. All she has left to do was to stir fry the vegetables and reheat the soup that she had made earlier. Hearing some noises, she turned around and saw Huo YanXiao walking inside. He was wearing a suit.

His brows and eyes were fierce and penetrating. As open as his features were, due to his lofty aura, it exuded a sense of asceticism. Yet Nie AnAn knew better than anyone else that the way he has climbed to where he was today was definitely domineering and violent. Huo YanXiao's eyes lingered on Nie AnAn's small and bright face for a little while before he looked away and composed himself.

"Big brother," said Nie AnAn as she looked up. She was still wearing her apron. When she turned around, perhaps because she wasn't feeling well and her low blood sugar, she stumbled a little and was about to tip over. The man reached out his arms at the perfect moment, caught her, and Nie AnAn slammed into his broad chest. His chest has the smell of lime and was somewhat pleasing to the nose.

Nie AnAn looked up. Her face was a little pale in color. She looked like she'd pass out again at any minute and even her words were weak and helpless, as though she was pleading, "I lost my footing. Big brother, just go wash your hands and dinner will be ready shortly." Just look at how pitiful she was. She was in this shape and still made dinner for him. She must be the best sister in the world. Let's see if he'd reward the girl who just came to this strange world a shred of kindness.

Huo YanXiao's hand was still lingering on Nie AnAn's waist. Seemingly unintentionally, his fingers gently brushed past a specific spot on her back. Just that one touch, and he felt the half-moon shape protrusion. That was a scar left behind from a fight when she was just 12 years old.

Huo YanXiao didn't show anything on his look, but a shred of doubt crossed his mind – She was her, but also not her? Or, she was just like him. Huo YanXiao let go of Nie AnAn. Once she had regained her balance, he said, "Let the servants take care of that in the future."

"That's alright. Lately I find cooking quite interesting and I think I have quite the talent too!" Nie AnAn nonchalantly explained away her recent changes. Huo YanXiao didn't comment on what she had said, but turned around to go to his room to change and tidy up. After he came downstairs, he saw appetizing and delicate dishes on the dining table.

Both Nie AnAn and Huo YanXiao ate quietly, until Huo YanXiao, as though just randomly chitchatting with her, said, "AnAn, I signed the contract with the Qin's today." Nie AnAn looked up. With a shred of naivety in her limpid eyes, she responded, "Oh great, it sounds like your company is getting better and better."

Huo YanXiao, while drinking his soup, seemingly nonchalantly mentioned, "There's only one Qin's in Capital City. This is Qin ZiMing's family we are talking about." "Oh," said Nie AnAn as she put a piece of fillet into her mouth. The freshness of the fish spread in her mouth. She smiled at Huo YanXiao and said, "Big brother, I don't like him anymore."

"Is that so?" Huo YanXiao eyes locked onto Nie AnAn's eyes and said what he wanted to probe the most, "I've heard that the Qin's and the Nie's wanted to form an alliance through a marriage. It was very unfortunate that Nie ChengFeng isn't into Qin ZiMing's sister, and the Nie's didn't have a daughter who could marry Qin ZiMing."

Nie AnAn processed his words in her mind, and her heart almost skipped a beat. She remembered something that she had read in the discussion forum. She didn't actually read the book to the very end because Nie AnAn, the character with the same name as her, had died a horrible death. She quite liked Huo YanXiao when she was reading the book, except she read from a spoiler that Huo YanXiao also died from some illness in bed at the end.

Which was why Nie AnAn barely skimmed the rest of the plotline after the death of the original owner and missed a lot of the details. She did, however, skimmed the discussion forum on this book right before she had the accident on the plane. One of the comments was this, "Oh sh*t, I was wondering why Nie AnAn's last name was Nie. It was because she has always been a part of the Nie's! Darn, had she known all along, what was the point of doing all those things that she did? Hahaha, this author was cruel!"

Which meant, Nie AnAn, the original owner, very well could be the long-lost daughter of Nie's, one of the prominent families in Capital City. At that time, Nie AnAn just skimmed over this thread as she was focusing on reading about Huo YanXiao. She had noticed that many readers like Huo YanXiao as much as she did, but he died just like that. So many of them asked the writer to write an extra chapter on him.

Well, this was also when she heard the announcement to board her plane. She boarded the plane, died in the plane crash, and transmigrated here. She had transmigrated and ran into Huo YanXiao in the flesh without knowing whether the author had ever written the extra chapter that she was pining for. She had became the sister that he doted but for some unknown reasons, their relationship was no longer like how it was described in the book.

Seeing the Nie AnAn wasn't responding, Huo YanXiao added, "The Qin's are not in favor of Qin ZiMing's current girlfriend, so if the Nie's has a daughter, they'd be married right away." Nie AnAn suddenly saw clearly his intention at this moment. Huo YanXiao was obviously probing her.

If she was the original owner and happened to know that she just might be the long-lost daughter of the Nie's, she'd never pass up on the opportunity of forming the union of the Qin's through marriage. The only catch was, up until this point in the story arc, the original owner obviously was not aware of her own identity. To be more precise, she never did find out even up to the point of her death.

Which meant, Huo YanXiao wasn't only probing whether she was still into Qin ZiMing, but he was also probing her real identity! He was suspicious that she wasn't the original Nie AnAn! She started to feel a chill. If he found out that she was a transmigrator, would he send her to a laboratory? After all, she had taken over his sister's body. Or that, he had already noticed something was going on the first day that she had transmigrated over. That would explain why he had been so distant to her. And today, he was testing her directly!

Nie AnAn could feel that even her palms were sweating. It was only that she had been taught her entire life to always remain calm no matter what. One must understand that softness could always overcome hardness.

Keeping that in mind, she looked into the man's deep and withdrawn eyes. Her eyes turned red. Choking back her tears, she said, "Big brother, I really don't like him anymore! I don't care who he is going to marry!" Like a little injured animal, her eyes were red but bright. Combined that with her pale look, she looked certifiably pitiful, "Big brother, I just want to be by your side from now on. I won't being doing all the foolish things anymore."

Huo YanXiao's brows twitched and his tone softened up, "Okay. You've just passed out today. You must eat more." "Mmm," nodded Nie AnAn. Her cheeks were puffy when she looked back down to eat, like a kid who was treated unjustly. When Nie AnAn was about to go get the soup, Huo YanXiao took her bowl from her and filled her a large bowl.

After dinner, Huo YanXiao did not leave like he did yesterday. Instead, he got up and did the dishes. Nie AnAn stood by the door and looked at his tall form inside the kitchen, the corners of her mouth curved. It was very unfortunate that after he had put away everything, Nie AnAn's obsessive-complusive disorder compelled her to go back into the kitchen and rearrange everything in order of their heights again.

That night, right after Nie AnAn finished showering and was about to crawl into bed, she received a text message from one of her "good sisters".

Xia Xiaowen: "AnAn, you must come to the banquet tomorrow. We have a surprise for you." Nie AnAn recalled the story arc and knew what she meant by that, but she still responded with, "What kind of a surprise?" "Your Young Master Qin will be there too!" said Xia Xiaowen. "It's a small banquet hosted by the Nie's at Club Lan. I have a total of three invitations. I will give you two and you can come with your brother. See how nice I am to you?"

Nie AnAn knew that Xia Xiaowen was interested in Huo YanXiao. She offered her the tickets for two reasons – one was for her to bring Huo YanXiao, and the other was for Nie AnAn to make a fool of herself at the banquet. But knowing that the banquet was hosted by the Nie's, she must attend. She really wanted to know whether this body was really related to the Nie's. On top of that, Xia Xiaowen was right that there would be drama at the banquet.

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