10 - The USJ

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"Midoriya, I usually say what's on my mind, kero." Asui started out. "Your quirk resembles All Might."

I honestly couldn't help but snicker after hearing that. Asui, or Tsuyu as she prefers to be called, has no idea how close she came to the truth.

Guess Midoriya isn't as discreet as he thinks he is. And predictably, he immediately got all flustered and tried to deny all the accusations. Thankfully enough, Kirishima managed to come in and save the day.

"Woah, hold your horses. Sure Midoriya's strong, but he injures himself too, doesn't he?" Kirishima intervened.

"Yeah and even so, it's probably just some form of strength-enhancement quirk. They're not exactly rare." I agreed. There you go Midoriya, I'll help out once in a while.

"Strength-enhancement quirks are simple, but they're also really manly! You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it!" Kirishima then proceeded to harden his left arm. "Not like my hardening. It's good in a fight, but it gets real boring sometimes."

[A/N: This is cap. Unbreakable, till now, remains to be one of the coolest super moves to exist in the anime.]

"Ah, but I think it's pretty neat though. It's definitely a quirk worthy of a hero." Izuku stated, happy with the change of topic.

"At least people don't judge you whenever you use your quirk. Learn to appreciate what you have." Shinso said bitterly from the back of the bus.

"Ah, right. Sorry about that, Shinso." Kirishima said regrettably. Most of our classmates, at this point, have realized that Shinso suffered prejudice when he was young.

"My Naval Laser is pro level in terms of strength and flashiness." Bragged Aoyama, immediately reducing the tension.

"Yea, until you blow up your own stomach." teased Mina, causing Aoyama to give a shaky smile.

"Well if you want to talk about strong and flashy," started Kaminari. "Then it's gotta be Kazuya, Bakugo, and Todoroki right? Our very own monster trio!"

Bakugo and Todoroki, who weren't listening at all to the conversation, perked up at their names being mentioned.

"But Bakugo is always mad, so he'll never get popular. And Todoroki is always acting cold, so I don't think people will like him." stated the ever blunt Tsuyu Asui.

Predictably, Bakugo exploded and roared in anger. Proving Tsuyu's statement right then and there.


"See?" Tsuyu said, with no change in emotion.

'Kacchan's getting bullied... Who'd have thought. Guess that's U.A. for you..' Midoriya thought, shaking in disbelief.

"Cut the chatter and look sharp, we're here."

Aizawa's voice got the entire class to snap back to attention. It didn't take us long to disembark from the bus. Without further fanfare, our homeroom teacher brought us into the USJ.

The first thought that came to my mind upon seeing everything was that I'm impressed.

Flood Zone, Conflagration Zone, Landslide Zone, Downpour Zone, Mountain Zone, Ruins Zone. So many different types of disaster sites that could be used in different scenarios with so much excruciating detail, all for the sake of U.A.'s hero students to get a life-like experience in rescue training and get the best possible education.

U.A. definitely doesn't do things half-assed.

As we entered the large dome building, a woman wearing a large space suit approached us.

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