Chapter three

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In the morning, Karsyn came to wake Aislinn from her sweet dreams. She threw open the heavy curtains and let in the light. Every morning Aislinn hoped she would open her eyes and wake up in her own bed, but never once did it happen. It wasn't a dream. She was stuck in Feria. She cursed Karsyn for not letting her wallow in her own misery. She gave her a few days to recover and now it was time to get her out of bed. Enough of the self-pity.

"Karsyn, can you please turn off the sun? I'm going to lose my eyes." Aislinn complained.

"No," replied Karsyn. "It's time for you to get out of bed, miss. You can't be locked up here forever."

"I already said I have no intention of participating in life in this realm," Aislinn said.

"I understand that you don't like this life, but it's been five days. Sulking will definitely not help you," Karsyn told her.

Aislinn was intrigued. "Do you know how to get me out of here, Karsyn?" she asked her.

"I'm sorry, but you cannot leave this mansion, not Feria, without Prince Nathaniel's permission," she gave her a sympathetic smile.

Aislinn let out a deep sigh. She has no chance to escape. Not without Prince Nathaniel's blessing, and he wants her here, right with him. For this reason, she told herself that it was futile to resist, and she could at least let her imagination, which longed to explore this mysterious place, run free. Once it was a fairy tale and now it is real.

Karsyn handed Aislinn pants with a T-shirt and boots instead of a dress.

"T-shirt and pants?" Aislinn eyed Karsyn suspiciously. "What's wrong with a dress not being forced on me?"

"It's more practical in battle," Karsyn replied with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"In battle?" she looked at Karsyn in disbelief.

"Since it looks like you're going to be around for a while, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to defend yourself. Feria can be quite a dangerous place," said Karsyn. "Several teachers have arrived here from the royal castle, and they can't wait to make you a real Fairy Queen."

"Me, but I won't be queen, and I told it to Prince Nathaniel as well," Aislinn objected. "And what do you mean from the royal castle? Aren't we right there?'

"We are now in Prince Nathaniel's private residence." Karsyn corrected Aislinn's assumption. "The prince was worried about what might happen if he threw you straight to the wolves," she said. "His Highness wanted to prepare you first before introducing you to the court."

Aislinn followed Karsyn into the courtyard. There, a woman with shoulder-length hair was waiting for them. Her blonde locks were blowing in the wind. She had a sword attached to her waist and held a second one in her hand. She acted as a leader. Aislinn had respect just by looking at her.

"Finally managed to get the future queen out of her room, Karsyn?" the warrior called out.

Karsyn just smiled at that. "Aislinn, this malevolent being is Sloan. Even before his majesty, king of all Feria, may his memory forever resound through eternity, died, Sloan was the commander of the royal army. She will teach you how to fight. Sloan, this is Aislinn, Prince Nathaniel's betrothed," she introduced them.

Sloan laughed to herself. "Nice to meet you, the future queen."

"I won't be no queen," Aislinn snapped. "Nice to meet you anyway, Sloan."

"Looks like Prince Nathaniel isn't as good as he pretends to be, keeping his bride here against her will," Sloan said, directing the words at Karsyn.

"I'm starting to like you, Sloan," Aislinn said.

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