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I return to the office, my heart heavy with betrayal and eyes stinging with unshed tears, to pick up something I forgot before heading home. As I step into the building, my eyes widen in shock once I see Bee standing there with two lunch bags in her hand, a warm smile on her face.

"I brought lunch," she says brightly, walking toward me with open arms. She probably came to check on me and see how I survived my first day.

"Hey, Bee," I manage to choke out, my voice cracking with emotion as I pull her into a tight hug, clinging to her like a lifeline. I hold her longer than normal, desperately needing her comfort and support. She couldn't have surprised me at work at a more perfect time.

"Is everything alright?" Bee asks gently as she pulls back, her brow furrowed with concern as she searches my face. Worry is already etched in her kind eyes.

"No," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "Do you have time to talk?" I ask hopefully, longing to unburden my aching heart to a sympathetic ear.

"I always do. Come, let's go to your office," she says, linking her arm through mine and guiding me toward the elevator.

Once we arrive at Rae's desk, the words come pouring out of me in a cathartic flood, the pain as fresh and sharp as when it first pierced my soul. I tell Bee everything that's been happening the past few days. I sniffle, valiantly pushing back the tears that threaten to fall, but continue talking about it.

"I can't believe all those things happened to you. I'm so sorry," Bee murmurs, pulling me into a comforting hug that I melt into, the compassion in her voice soothing my battered spirit.

"It's fine. I'll be fine," I say with a forced smile as we pull apart, trying to be brave even as my heart shatters inside.

"I know now might be the best time to say this, but... Have you thought that maybe Alice is behind it?" Bee asks thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" I ask, opening up the lunch bag as my stomach growls insistently, a reminder that life goes on even when your world is falling apart.

"I know Alice pecked Alex on the cheek, but that doesn't automatically mean they're back together," Bee points out reasonably.

"I know, but he missed work just to be with her," I counter, taking a listless bite of the chicken salad she brought, the food like sawdust in my mouth.

"True," Bee agrees with a solemn nod. "Then maybe... you shouldn't marry Alex."

Her words hang in the air, a truth I've been avoiding. "It's not that easy," I say weakly, my heart rebelling even though my mind knows she's right.

"I know, but he keeps hurting you. And even if he wanted to be with you, Alice keeps getting in the way. I wouldn't want you to be with someone whose ex won't let him breathe."

I sigh heavily, letting her wise words sink in like a stone. I've never truly considered calling off the wedding, the idea too painful to contemplate. But now...

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