Chapter 47.

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Sergeant Pascual closed his eyes and took a deep breath when he saw the young woman was lying unconscious on the floor after former General Valdez opened the door of the investigation room, he thought that at any time Hazel would die. He didn't know what happened but he was sure that Hazel's life was in danger, but even if he wanted to help her, he couldn't approach her. He suddenly felt pain because he has two daughters and couldn't help but feel pity on her, but he knew that for former General Valdez, she was a criminal who must suffer and pay for her crimes.

He put the law in his hand, so he knew that the young woman's sin was not something lightly.

General Valdez was a respectable Police General in the country for two decades until the US army trained and took him to join their military, he became a well-known for his strategic war plan and called the brain of wars, that's why even the bigger country couldn't dare to fight or invade their country and the US because of him.

(Please note that this is just a fictional and I might be too exaggerated for those who were knowledgeable about law enforcement officers. Teehee!)

"Bring her back to her cell." the general said.

"But General, she... she will die--."

"I don't care what will happen to her, she didn't care either when she committed her crimes."

Samuel still had some mercy to that young woman, so he just made her crippled instead of killing her, he also didn't want his family to know what he did because he knew that they would get angry with him if they found out that he kills her. But he wants to do something to that Hazel so she will not dare to show her face in front of his family again and as he was retired to the military now, he just wanted to stay happy and peacefully with his wife and their kids.

When he came back to the hospital, one of the bodyguard rushed to him and said that his wife was awake and looking for him. He rushed to their room and saw his wife's worried face.

"Honey, where have you been?" his wife asked him.

"I'm sorry." he immediately kissed her forehead. "I just went outside to buy some breakfast..." he even lifted up the paper bag which he was holding.

But his wife seems like she's not buying it and just stares at him.

He immediately averted his gaze from his wife, his heart starting beat loudly and felt restless because of the way she was looking at him. He just scratched his cheek with a worried grimace, knowing that he couldn't keep a secret nor couldn't lie to her either.

"I went to the police station earlier." he started to confessed with a sigh.


He couldn't look back at his wife because he felt a bit guilty, what if she gets mad at him because he didn't tell her his plan? What if she will thinks that he doesn't trust her, what if she gets disappointed in him? There was a lot of what if's in Samuel's head, he couldn't handle it if his wife got mad at him so he couldn't do anything but admit what he did.

"...and I met that woman named Hazel."

"And then?"

"...and I teach her a lesson."

He was about to asked for forgiveness because his wife might be angry with him, but he was surprised when his wife's burst out laughing. He slowly realized that she was just making fun of him, he couldn't help but feel relief and smile while watching his wife's laughing, she was the only person who can make fun of him without even trying. He did not know what this woman fed him, because until now he was still madly in love with her.

"If you keep laughing like that, I will make you pregnant." he said to her then chuckles because of his joke.

But his wife got stunned because of what he said, and now it's his turn to burst out laughing when he sees his wife's face immediately turned red.

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