Short Story 1 - The Gateway to Hell.

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Age Rating: 17+      Genre(s): Thriller/Fiction

Warnings/Triggers: This writing contains...

Suicide, Self-Harm, Descriptive Gore, Drug Usage, Overdosing, Sexual Content (Smut), as well as Hallucinations.

Story Status: Finished, for now... 

(Last updated 3/16)


As cliche as it might sound, I genuinely have no idea how I started to feel this way. My life just tunneled in a spiral of flames. I'm only twenty, how can my life be this over? She's ruined me, or at the very least it feels like she did. I can't put all the blame on her though, I wouldn't want to be with me either. I don't know what to do with myself anymore, I'm no longer needed.

I stood in my bathroom, half asleep, and needing my anxiety medication. Before I open my cabinet I stare at myself in the mirror. I looked at the shirt I wore for three days straight, my faded-out pink tips that sat on my shoulders, and the eyebags that brought my face down. I sighed before opening the cabinet. As the cabinet opened, I grabbed my medication that made me stop thinking. I opened the child-proof bottle and took my two prescribed pills. I closed the bottle, then the cabinet, before fleeing to my bed.

After staring at my wall for what felt like an eternity, I tried to keep my mind off her. I thought about the most random things. whether it's what I ate last week or what to do next month at one o'clock. I tried and tried for an agonizing amount of time, but every time I somehow circled back to her. circled back to her long ginger curls or her sparkling brown eyes. I thought about how her smile widened at every joke I made, or how happy she'd be when she saw me. I missed that, the feeling of knowing factually that someone will always care for you. Well, 'always' isn't forever. Right as I started dozing off, I heard my doorbell ring.

"Hello? Mel?! Open up!" My eyes widened at her loud shouting across my apartment. I wanted to ignore it, roll over, pretend I didn't hear a single whisper, but then... "Mel, I brought food!"

"Sigh, I'm coming!"


"Hey Gem," I told her as I opened the door. By her expression, she wasn't excited to see me wearing the same clothes she saw me in last with a nest of hair with it.

"Girl, you look dead. I told you I was coming and everything" She walked past me, uninvited to my apartment before sitting down at my kitchen counter.

"No, I said maybe and you never clarified" I told her before closing the door she left open. I sat down at the counter next to her, praying the pills would hit me before she kept talking. But alas, her mouth kept going.

"Since your tiny break-up impacted you so much I figured I didn't need to, I am your sister after all" she said overdramatically to my face. As much as I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mom if I punched her into the wall, I still felt the urge to though.

"Alright" I brushed it off. I hopped out of my seat, and without a word walked to my bathroom.

"Where do you think you're going? I just brought you food?"

I ignored her, fled to the bathroom and slammed the door. My sister, the most annoying spoiled brat on the face of the earth. Knowing I just got dumped, and knowing my medication is out of balance, has the audacity to show up at my apartment in a bad mood. Brushed my hair back with my fingers down my scalp and rested my hands on the countertop. It took me a few moments to gather myself up to open the cabinet.

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