Chapter 12

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Chase had gotten more accustomed to hanging out with Wren alone in the past couple of weeks, though when he stood outside his front door waiting for him, he still found himself fidgeting, pulling at his knuckles and shuffling his feet nervously. He knew there was nothing to be scared of exactly, but he couldn't help that being around Wren just made him want to stare at his shoes. However, he looked up when the door swung open and the taller boy stood there, his left hand set casually in the pocket of his black joggers.

"Hey, I don't know if you're still hungry, but I made popcorn and I-" He paused to look over Chase's outfit. "Did you change?"

Chase looked down at his black hoodie that was a bit tighter than he'd usually wear and almost short enough to be considered cropped paired with his ripped black skinny jeans and the best converses he had that were still falling apart.

"Yeah...?" he said, feeling the burning on his face spread up to his ears. God, Wren probably hated that he was trying so hard.

"You look cute," Wren said with a small smile before stepping aside so Chase could walk in. "Do you have anything you want to watch? I set up some blankets and pillows on the couch. My room is kind of a mess."

"How is anything in your house a mess? Don't you literally have a maid?" Chase asked as he set his keys on the table inside and walked past Wren to the living room.

"She's a maintenance cleaning lady. She washes the floors and shit, but it's not really her job to do my laundry," Wren said with a shrug.

"Can...I do your laundry?" Chase asked and Wren looked confused.

"Do you have a maid kink or something?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"No, I just like doing laundry."

Wren chuckled softly, lifting Chase's chin to kiss him. "You're adorable, but no, it's my responsibility," he said before stepping away and disappearing into the kitchen for a moment only to come back with a bowl of popcorn.

"I'm not adorable," Chase murmured, collapsing down onto the couch.

"And water isn't wet," Wren said with that stupid smug smirk and Chase shoved him. "What do you want to watch?"

"...I'd say Midnight Mass, but that's something I actually want to watch and we're probably not going to be watching whatever we put on for very long, so how about the first season of American Horror Story?"

"I can't imagine why we would put on a show and then not watch it," Wren said, feigning ignorance.

"Oh, so you didn't invite me over to your completely empty house at 8:00 pm to have sex with me?" Chase asked, putting on a look of confusion as he moved to straddle Wren's lap.

"Mouse, you make me out to be such a fuckboy," Wren said as he moved a hand down to hold Chase's leg, resting his head against his loose fist as he propped his elbow up on the top of the couch. "I think you're reading too much into things. I only wanted to watch a show and eat popcorn, but if you're so needy, I'll be nice and let you ride my thigh. How does that sound?" He asked as the hand on Chase's thigh moved higher until his thumb was barely brushing against his clothed member. Chase could feel the cold metal of the silver ring on his finger through his jeans and it was driving him crazy for reasons he couldn't explain.

Chase groaned in quiet frustration as he stuffed his face in Wren's shoulder. The better he got to know Wren, the more he was realizing how absolutely goddamn annoying he could be in every context. They'd had their little back-and-forth rivalry for years, but apparently that also translated to their sex life, because it seemed Wren hadn't ever loved anything quite as much as hearing Chase beg. Or maybe this was penance for all the arguments Chase had won. Either way, his ego was holding on by a thread, and sometimes not even that when Wren got him desperate enough. Of course, it was only when Chase was on the brink of losing his mind that he'd admit he liked it. Perhaps that was why Wren did it. He methodically broke down the walls Chase had become so practiced in keeping up to drag out of him all of the things he was terrified to say aloud. Wren was kind of good for him in that way, he wouldn't let Chase lie to himself, even if it was easier to.

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